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Walter Las Palmas is a lovebug who works for Nick Birch, who fuels his romantic attraction toward Jessi. Despite his attempts, Walter and Nick get turned down from Jessi and Walter turns into a "Hateworm" in the episode "Best Friends Make the Best Lovers". He first appeared in "Lovebugs". He also appears as a major character in Human Resources, mainly serving as the lovebug/hateworm of Yara El-Khoury and being a friend and mentor to Emmy. He is voiced by Brandon Kyle Goodman.


In "Lovebugs", Walter was at Human Resources with Sonya, just talking and hanging out, when he was assigned to be Nick's lovebug and help him learn about his love for Jessi Glaser. When Walter came into his life, he helped Nick come to terms with the fact that he was romantically attracted to Jessi by singing him the beautiful musical number, "Do You Feel the Love?". He convinced him to proclaim his love for Jessi by singing her a song, which Nick did. Nick sang the song "I Love You", with Walter playing the drums but Jessi rejected him, breaking Nick's heart.

In "The Green-Eyed Monster", Walter discovered that Jessi was in love with Judd and stayed up all night, trying to find a way to rationalize how this was actually a good thing for Nick. Walter said that since there was no way Judd would return Jessi's feelings, all Nick needs to do is break the news to her that Judd doesn't love her and Jessi will move on to the next best person, this being Nick. However, when Nick told off Jessi in front of the entire class, he just made himself look like a creep and drove Jessi away.

In "Best Friends Make the Best Lovers", Walter assured Nick that nobody remembered him embarrassing himself after Thanksgiving break but sure enough, they did. Nick later found out that Jessi was in love with Ali, which just pissed him off. This made him stop loving Jessi, which killed Walter.

In "I Fucking Hate You", Walter was reborn from a cocoon on Nick's ceiling as a hate worm, who, in complete contrast to his former self, was now a worm that fed off of Nick's hatred and encouraged him to keep on hating Jessi for rejecting him in favor of Ali. When Nick went to school with Walter, the now-hate worm monster met Missy's hate worm, Rochelle, who shared his hatred for Jessi. The two of them teamed up to take Jessi down by sending out mean and slanderous comments about her on the internet. Nick and Missy also sang the song "Hate, Hate, Hate", where they mutated Walter and Rochelle into bigger and more powerful snakes with the power of their developing hatred. When Missy and Nick had a disagreement, they stopped working together and started hating each other, as did Walter and Rochelle.

Three episodes later, Nick overcame his hatred and Walter was reborn into a love bug. Later, he was seen celebrating New Year’s Eve with everyone else at HR.



In contrast to his coworker Sonya, Walter is an over enthusiastic, excited, and chatty love bug who’s always obsessed with love. However, Walter reacts too quickly as his personality flaw, as he becomes Nick’s official hate worm and is cowardly, hiding in closed places and is more afraid of being embarrassed.




Episode Appearances[]

Big Mouth[]

Human Resources[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]


  • He is likely the Love Bug to either Gwen Stefani or Blake Lively, as he gushes about the latter making the former breakfast in bed in the opening scene of "Love Bugs."
  • Walt has two worst fears: being a hate worm forever and being watched and/or spied on.