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Vader Johan is The Netherlands' version of Santa Clause. He is from a fake Dutch Christmas story of the same name.

Mila and Lotte Jansen share the story of Vader Johan with Matthew, Jay and Missy in "A Very Big Mouth Christmas":

"In our country on the eve of Christmas, we put baubles on the branches of the trees, drink jurgennektaar, the salted eel milk and place our painted eggs on the windowsill. Then, when daylight is no more, the bell is rung. This means Vader Johan approaches. It has begun. The bell awakens Vader Johan from the bottom of the river. This is where he lives, in a castle made of children's bones. A braid of 40 eels brings Vader Johan to the surface. Now you can smell him. His odor is that of cod and black licorice. He has the body of a walrus, the sharp teeth of a dolphin, and the legs of countless crabs. He plays a flute made of... you guessed it... children's bones. And in our country, it does not matter if you are naughty or nice, for all the bones taste the same to Vader Johan. Your only hope is to trick Vader Johan into believing you are already dead, and therefore not fresh and tasty. You do this by sleeping in your child coffin, okay? And this is when you pray to the Mongoose King: 'Oh Mongoose King, please protect my tender child bones from the jaws of Vader Johan, and do enjoy these eggs I have left for you. In Jesus' Christ's name, amen'. Uh-oh, Vader Johan can hear your blood! Perhaps you are lucky and your window eggs and prayers have attracted the Mongoose King. He eats your eggs and challenges Vader Johan to a battle of dance! There is always the chance that the nimble and clever Mongoose King will be victorious. But tonight, he is danced into cream! And Vader Johan has his kinderbotfeest, the child bone dinner. But the cream, this is the cream that we eat together with our families on 29 December. So a Merry Christmas is had by all."

After sharing the story, the Jansen twins then sing a rhyme:

"Once you hear the story of Vader Johan

You must share the story of Vader Johan

Or you'll be consumed by Vader Johan

Which is like dying, but it's worse!"
