Big Mouth Wiki

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For a lot of critics, or big named YouTubers like Mr. Enter, Big Mouth didn't seem to be received well, not just a bad first impression either but in the longer run too. It was always the key example of one that fans or the "smaller" people, of sorts, had entirely different opinions on as it grew such a fan base.

How they have shown relatable situations as well as The Simpsons and Family Guy have and some good morals as well, it's such a pity that critics probably won't realize they were wrong from the start, the impact this show has had has been incredible, I've always watched it hooked and engaged from the beginning and "Rankings" could well be the best example of a great moral.

Listeria 6-10

Simply being about the boys, from not being able to agree which girls are hotter, ranking who the girls in order of who they think are the hottest. The girls then join in with this.

Rankings are usually fun, of course, you watch a top 10 video on YouTube, you wonder which will come next, you wonder if your favourite will appear, sometimes you think it really should, so it can get tense anticipating where a certain something ranks.

Making rankings yourself is also something that can be fun, so then, imagine if you were an entry considered within the category and the hierarchy. In any case, you could be ranked really high, you could get to the top spot, or at least, you might start to convince yourself you would be, then just feel disappointed when, or if, you aren't as high as you think you should be. Here is what this episode really reminded me of, it could get you excited as you anticipate, if it's you making the list, you won't be so affected and would fail to consider that you could really well be hurting somebody.

This is also the episode that introduces Ali. Ali is introduced to the class The Bisexual girl who seems to like any kind of boy or girl. You can always feel reassured if you're just not a particular somebodies taste, but then comes the girl who anybody could be the taste of. Even when Devin and Devan seemed like a sure fire couple made for each other Devin is a Mean Bride to Ali, Ali stirs this up too. With being the most open of who she would go for, she was definitely one of the new characters that made the show most interesting, linking to one of the big story arcs across the series, I've only seen up to series 5 so far, but seeming like she was going to get with Jessie, you would really think she was meant to end up with Nick after they kissed in the 1st episode. But the story arcs in this show go on and on, like Devan and Devin's relationship.

Andrew, in the meantime, can't decide and so just takes the parts he likes best about each girl individually and as he tries to imagine it, it comes out more as an abomination. So, Andrew had come to realize a similar mistake before in the episode "What Is It About Boobs", realizing how it could make girls feel weird about their bodies though these things are natural temptation, he wouldn't want to let it go too far and hurt them through this. What he's doing here is trying to create a perfect image, similarly with what he is attracted to, maybe what's happening here is he's just forgetting that lesson temporarily because it's what the rankings things has made him think of, unable to decide on any particular favourites.

He does soon, however, learn that he shouldn't think of girls as just a loads of different pieces, so the perfect image of a person might not exist, need I elaborate?

But the main point of how rankings, however fun they might be, can easily hurt people, as the people doing the rankings only focus on them for what is fun about them for them, Nick and Jessie are just low down on everybody's rankings. They sing their song "Why Does Nobody Get How Great I Am?"

Because, everybody has reason to be liked and recognized, but what do people really look for? Some people are just never thought of and if nobody sees what's great about you, then you maybe should stay out of these things that make them apparent. With all the people eligible for these things, on the other hand, there are a lot of them, so maybe that's somewhere people could also understand if some people are going to be overlooked, where it's bound to happen that some people are going to be, consolation and all that jazz.

If the others knew that their rankings were hurting people, they surely didn't mean to not consider them, and people don't think right a lot of the time though and people definitely know that if they're in the shoes of Nick and Jessie in this episode, as a key example. These people know there is no reason like they should feel like the least important, and if the others, in their rankings, are just doing the same as everybody else, then this can go to show that there is no fault with them, need I say this is any more different ways? For anybody feeling unappreciated.

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