Big Mouth Wiki
I wanna touch your boobs!
—Tyler Pico in Dark Side of the Boob

Tyler Pico is a recurring character and hidden secondary antagonist in Season 2 of Big Mouth, and a minor character in Human Resources. He later redeems himself in Smooch or Share. After Ricky retired from being a Hormone Monster, Tyler takes his place as a Hormone Monster-In-Training.


Tyler is a young Hormone Monster, taking Nick as his first adolescent. He makes many mistakes and is conventionally childish, while also having a perverted side. He's first found by Nick in his closet, and happily introduces himself. Throughout the season, Tyler pressures Nick into making immature mistakes, such as telling his friends that he got to touch Gina's breasts, an action which results in a lot of drama. Tyler's ultimate mistake is revealed to be following the orders of the Shame Wizard, under the pretense of a wanting to make Nick a better person. After that, Nick decides that he's fed up with Tyler's nonsense, and the latter is fired for his secret alliance. On his way out of the human world, Tyler leaves a portal to the Hormone World open in Nick's closet. When Nick enters it, he discovers Tyler's new position as assistant to Gavin, an uptight Hormone Monster that usually abuses Tyler. After Nick escapes the Hormone Land, Connie becomes Nick's new Hormone Monster.


Tyler resembles Maury in many ways, the most notable feature being his hair. Like Maury, Tyler does not don clothes and has hair covering half of his body. Unlike most Hormone Monsters, he starts his role in the show without his horn, which is a symbol of succeeding as a Hormone Monster.


Tyler is an awkward, nerdy, and overly excited teenage Hormone Monster. He's especially excited when helping his clients and meeting his idols in the department of puberty. Being as young as he is, Tyler still has a lot to learn about his job and has a tendency to make tons of mistakes. He is very reckless and often convinces his clients to do horrible things that they shouldn't be doing. He even worked with the Shame Wizard, which went against everything being a Hormone Monster stood for; this got him fired from his job. Tyler is not yet ready to guide kids through puberty, as he's still going through puberty himself. Currently, Tyler is being trained by Gavin in order to help him learn the ropes of the job better.



  • Nick Birch - Nick was Tyler's first client.
  • Barry - Barry is Tyler's current client.

Hormone Monsters[]

  • Maury - Tyler idolizes Maury and looks up to him like a celebrity.
  • Connie - Connie helps Tyler with doing his job right.
  • Gavin - Tyler is currently being trained by Gavin to be a better hormone monster.
  • Shame Wizard - Tyler secretly worked with the Shame Wizard.

Episode Appearances[]

Big Mouth[]

Human Resources[]



  • At the end of "Guy Town", Tyler grew a horn.
  • In "Dark Side of the Boob", Tyler broke the fourth wall to sexually harass the viewer, claiming that he wants to touch "your" boobs.
    • Considering he didn't care about the viewer's gender, Tyler is likely pansexual.
  • Some time after the events of Big Mouth Season 2, Tyler became an active Hormone Monster again, with Barry as his (presumed) only client.