Big Mouth Wiki
The ultimate magic trick? You mean sawing your finger in half, then having your cock double in size but now your cock has a fingernail?

Todd is a member of The Sorcerers of the Squaretable, who spends the majority of his time at Panera Bread with his fellow magicians. He is a fat, disgusting man, who likes to eat shit and apparently lacks the ability to drive. He is the most prominent member of the group. He first appeared in "Requiem for a Wet Dream".


In "Requiem for a Wet Dream", Todd sat with The Sorcerers of the Squaretable and was relentlessly mocked by Matthew and Jessi. After Jay disappeared, Todd came up to Jessi and Jay and asked if either of them had a car, which he could use to go on down to a court supervised visit with his mother.

In "Drug Buddies", Todd went to the ice cream store and asked Gina (who was working there at the time) if he could eat some white shit.

In "Guy Town", Todd was shown as one of the pathetic lonely single men at Guy Town. He jumped from the roof of the building into the pool and was also shown sunbathing at the pool with his chest hairs glistening in the sun. He was friends with Leore and told Greg that he's been in Guy Town for so long, that time no longer has meaning to him.

In "Lovebugs", Todd showed off his cool magical powers to Charles Lu by taking an entire loaf of bread out of his mouth. He also jumped on and crushed a cardboard box that Jay was inside of only for Jay to appear in a trashcan, having teleported to safety. Todd said that Charles Lu was a pretty stand up guy and Jay told him "no shit".

In "I Fucking Hate You", Todd gave Jay the idea to do a magic trick where he saw his finger in half so that his penis would double his penis in size and develop a fingernail but Jay had an even better idea: he was going to apologize to Lola in the form of an elaborate magic trick to make her fall back in love with him again. Todd came on down to Bridgeton Middle School to help Jay with his magic trick and chainsawed Jay's box in half in a classic "saw the woman in half trick", leading to blood splattering all over the students, yet miraculously, Jay survived, completely unharmed. When Jay revealed his magical secrets to Lola and this got leaked to the internet, Todd was very unhappy with him for exposing him like that and so he and the rest of the sorcerers of the squaretable kicked him out of their group. This also meant that Todd would confiscate Jay's magic wand and break it in half.


Todd is a fat, misshapen white man with long, shaggy ginger hair. He has dark blue eyes, a double chin, forehead wrinkles, and a ton of unkempt facial hair that makes his face look like a mess. He wears a burgundy vest that barely fits him, a white buttoned undershirt, a juniper fanny pack, black pants, and black & white shoes.


Todd is a fat, smelly, disgusting, honestly kind of creepy adult man in his late 40's, who likes to do stupid magic tricks, which range from mildly disturbing, (i.e. pulling an entire loaf of bread out of his mouth) to obscenely inappropriate, (i.e. cutting his finger in half, doubling his penis in size, and growing a fingernail on his dick.) He is the most prominent and outspoken of the sorcerers and some would even argue that he is the leader of the group. He is not a very well-maintained man who can't seem to take care of himself, prevelant from how largely overweight he is, how he's shown to be woefully unshaven and unbathed, and by how he wears shrunken clothes that are oodles too snug on his oversized body. Furthermore, the guy is too dumb to even know how to drive, for some unexplained reasons that are most likely better off left that way, he needs to have court-ordered visits with his mother, and he has an interest in eating white shit.

Episode Appearances[]


  • Todd apparently lacks the ability to drive.
  • For unexplained reasons, Todd has to take court supervised visits with his mother.