The International Show is the seventh episode of Season 7 of Big Mouth. It is the 68th episode, overall.
In honor of The 4th of July, Maury and Connie take you on a trip around the world, to see how puberty is explored in other countries.
Framing Device[]
Maury Beverly decorates Andrew's room for The 4th of July and welcomes the audience to this very special episode of Big Mouth, where he plans to teach people all about puberty, which he erroneously calls an exclusively American experience. Connie enters to correct him and assures him that puberty happens to people all around the world but Maury doesn't believe this. Connie decides to teach Maury about how puberty works for other people around the world and turns the holiday episode into an international anthology extravaganza.
South Korea[]
The first hormonal character we visit is a teenage boy named Ye Joon, who lives in South Korea. He looks out the window to see a poster for Chum Churum Soju, which has a hot lady on it. Detecting Ye Joon's arousal, hormone monster Bong Man enters and urges him to masturbate to this. Unfortunately, Ye Joon doesn't have time to jerk off because he has to start school right away, which is only the first activity in an extremely busy day. The entire day at school, Ye Joon can't focus because he keeps fantasizing about the Soju Vixen. He tires to jerk off in the bathroom between classes but still just doesn't have enough time. He tries to discreetly jerk off in the car but the car makes it to its destination before he can even start. His next destination is cello practice, where he tries to rub his dick against his cello, only for one of the cello strings to snap and hit him in the face. Finally, when he gets home, he prepares to jerk off at long last, only to pass out and fall asleep from the exhaustion, caused by such a full day. Fortunately, Bong Man doesn't let him end the day sexually dissatisfied, as he uses his hormone monster magic to give him a nocturnal emission, wherein he finally jizzes his pants to a wet dream about the Soju Vixen.
Meanwhile, in India, a girl gets her first period on the swingset at school. This gets her a visit from her new hormone monstress, who tells her the good news that she's finally becoming a woman. She drives her down the street and sings her the Bollywood song, "She's a Big Baddy Now", which details the joys of growing up and becoming a woman. However, this girl does not find the song amusing, as she dreads getting her period. This only gets worse when her hormone monstress tells her that it'll happen once a month for the next forty years and she can't expect to see a fun and exciting song like this ever again.
Outback, in the land down under, an aboriginal boy named Adam attends the funeral of his Auntie Deborah, where he spots a pretty girl there, named Kara. Adam's hormone monster, Murray, pushes him to ask her out, while Kara's hormone monstress, Elanora, pushes her to do the same. Both are hesitant to do so at first, finding it disrespectful to hit on each other at a funeral but are overwhelmed by their respective hormone monsters to just go for it. They have an awkward conversation, which gets interrupted by the ghost of Auntie Deborah, who yells at them both, not because she's offended they're acting in such a way at her funeral, but because they're being so awkward in their flirting and not getting down to it. She gives them the lesson that life is short and that they should quit beating around the bush and just fuck already. Adam and Kara heed her words and go behind a water tank to have some sex. As she witnesses young love, the ghost of Auntie Deborah sadly laments about how she used to have constant three-ways, while she was alive. Fortunately for her, Murray and Elanora invite her to join them for a threeway.
Traveling north and west, brings us to the middle east, where an Iranian girl named Nazanin, uses the bathroom, which includes a Bidet toilet. She takes pleasure from the shower head on the toilet, using it to spray her pussy. However, she has to leave, when her grandpa needs to use the bathroom to take a massive shit from the cucumbers he keeps eating. After she leaves, Nazanin looks around the house for other things to please herself on but nothing seems to do the job. After looking around for a while, she finds that her best alternative is to use her bicycle she got for her 8th birthday and ride it down the stairs, which only leads to her falling and hurting her cooch. Her grandpa rushes to her aid, revealing to Nazanin that he has finally finished using the bathroom. This gives Nazanin the go-ahead to rush back to the bathroom and have a sweet masturbatory reunion with her Bidet.
South of the border, two gay boys named Rafael and Carlos, ride a bus to São Paulo to meet a boy named Goncalo, that Rafael met online. Rafael plans to meet him in São Paulo and have his first gay kiss with him, unbeknownst to his homophobic parents. After waiting for two hours at Mequi 1000, he doesn't show up. A friend of theirs, Marya shows up and learns that they're gay. She doesn't mind and just teaches them about the LGBT culture in the area, down the streets of Frei Caneca Street, where they learn all about he gayness there. Rafael finally accepts that Goncalo isn't showing up and just has some fun, dancing with Carlos. Carlos eventually gives Rafael his first kiss after all.
Way down in the darkest of Africa, adventurous Kenyan teen-girl Sharon decides to sneak off to a Matatu party bus, after constant pressuring from her hormone monstress, Nichi. Sharon sneaks past her grandma to party on the Matatu, where she has fun for a while, before she gets visited by Asha the shame wizard, who tries to guilt trip her into feeling like a dirty slut for what she's doing. Embarrassed, Sharon goes back home, crying and tells her grandma everything. Her grandmother assures her she has nothing to feel humiliated about, since she's just expressing her sexuality. After all, her does a bit of Matatu-partying, herself. This revelation sends Asha back to Hell and then they both board the Matatu again for more of a party. However, Sharon's worries are not over, since Asha assures her she will be back someday.
In the sexually progressive country of Sweden, Niklas Ambjorn has a hot date with Astrid, his girlfriend from Norway, a European country that's also very liberal with the libido. During the date, Niklas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambjorn, embarrass him, by openly talking about sex, just like Snippa and Snopp from the country's national children's cartoon. Niklas calls his parents out on this and makes a big fuss at the table. Fed up with Niklas, Astrid calls him out, claiming that it's actually his prudence which is ruining the date and she walks out on him.
Puerto Rico[]
Finally, we get a glimpse into the pre-pubescent childhood of Lin Manuel Miranda back in Puerto Rico. He sings an original song, "Waiting For Little Hairs", which is all about his struggle to one day get pubic hair just like his very hormonally developed family.
At the end of the day, Maury learns a very valuable lesson; all puberty happens to everyone in the world and although our cultures and customs may be very different, all humans grow up and go through awkward changes in the same disgusting way. Maury gets the idea to have tons of people across the world, from all these countries to get together and have a massive international orgy, to celebrate puberty and diversity. All of the characters from the stories all show up in Andrew's room to have a wild and crazy sex party, while Andrew and Nick watch everything unfold in absolute and utter amazement.
Major Roles[]
- Maury Beverly
- Connie LaCienega
- Ye Joon
- Bong Man
- Indian Girl
- Indian Hormone Monstress
- Adam
- Murray
- Kara
- Elanora
- Nazanin
- Bidet
- Rafael
- Carlos
- Joao
- Marya
- Sharon
- Nichi
- Sharon's Grandma
- Asha
- Snippa
- Snopp
- Niklas Ambjorn
- Astrid
- Mrs. Ambjorn
- Mr. Ambjorn
- Lin Manuel Miranda
- Lin Manuel Miranda's Pubes
Minor Roles[]
- Soju Vixen
- Ye Joon's Mom
- Teacher
- Fancy Couch
- Gross Couch
- Washing Machine
- Nazanin's Bicycle
- Auntie Deborah (Ghost)
- Nick Birch (Cameo)
- Andrew Glouberman (Cameo)
- Rick (Cameo)
- Korean Rick (Cameo)
- Nazanin's Grandpa (Cameo)
- Don Cheadle (Cameo)
- Swedish Hormone Monster (Cameo)
- Ye Joon's Grandma (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Ronald McDonald (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Grimace (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Hamburglar (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Birdie the Early Bird (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Grandpa Miranda (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Uncle Pedro (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Chiqui (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Goncalo (Pictured)
- She's a Big Baddy Now
- Waiting For Little Hairs
- This episode is The 4th of July holiday special.
- This episode has no cold opening.
- During the episode, characters speak various other languages. The dialogue is subtitled with automatic closed captions, courtesy of Netflix. As such, the episode's subtitles are not available, when viewed on third-party freeloading websites.
- Languages spoken in this episode;
- English
- German
- Japanese
- Italian
- French
- Korean
- Hindi
- Iranian
- Portuguese
- Kenyan
- Swedish
- Spanish
- On Brazil plot, Rafael's hormone monster is voiced by Wirley Contaifer, who voices Maury in the Brazilian dub. However, Rafael is voiced by Yan Gesteira (who voices Matthew) and Carlos is voiced by Sérgio Muniz (who voices Jay).
- Nick and Andrew don't even appear until the very end of the episode, where they only have minor cameos.
- However, South Korea’s Ye Joon is a very obvious parody of Andrew, as he is also a mustached, bespectacled masturbation addict.
- Fourth anthology episode of the series, following "The Planned Parenthood Show", "Four Stories About Hand Stuff", and "A Very Big Mouth Christmas".
- This episode takes place during the summer, continuing the events of school ending in the previous episode, "Graduation".
- Asha from the Human Resources episode "International Creature Convention" shows up in the Kenyan story as Sharon's Shame Wizard.
Cultural References[]
- An instrumental of the song, "Battle Hymn of the Republic" plays at the start of the episode.
- Ye Joon gets aroused by a hot girl on an ad for South Korean sports drink, Chum-Churum Soju.
- "Pauly Was 'Ere" was written on a water tank, which is a reference to the WWII meme "Killroy Was Here".
- Maury says that if you ejaculate in Australia, it goes up your penis and out your butt because of the Southern Hemisphere. This is a reference to the scientific fact that if you flush a toilet in Australia, the water goes counterclockwise because of the Southern Hemisphere.
- Rafael and Carlos hang out by a Brazilian McDonald's that's oddly designed to look like The White House, in order to make it look more Americanized to the country's locals.
- Marya takes Rafael and Carlos to Frei Caneca Street, a popular LGBT-themed street in Puerto Rico.
- Sharon rides a Matatu party bus, a very popular cultural trend in Kenya.
- Sharon compares herself to Beyonce but Nichi assures her Beyonce would never ride a bus.
- Anthropomorphic candy-colored genitals, Snippa and Snopp are actual cartoon characters from a children's cartoon in Sweden called "Bacillakuten", on a channel called "Barnkanalen". For more information, an English dub of an episode can be viewed for free here.
- Rick goes in drag as Wonder Woman and shoves a rocket up his ass.
- This episode's premise is similar to the The Cleveland Show episode, "Wide World of Cleveland Show".