The Ambition Gremlin is the third episode of Season 7 of Big Mouth. It is the 64th episode, overall.
Andrew experiences the perks of living without masturbation and strives for a life of success, which gets him assigned an Ambition Gremblin.
Major Roles[]
- Nick Birch
- Andrew Glouberman
- Jessi Glaser
- Missy Foreman-Greenwald
- Elijah
- Maury Beverly
- Connie LaCienega
- Gil
- Joe
- Petra
- Leah Birch
- Marty Glouberman
Minor Roles[]
- Jay Bilzerian
- Matthew MacDell
- Lola Skumpy
- Lump Humpman
- Rick
- Mona
- Elliot Birch
- Diane Birch
- Judd Birch
- Barbara Glouberman
- Shannon Glaser
- Cyrus Foreman-Greenwald
- Miss Raths
- Dr. Wendy Ingle
- Snoo
- Diane Lane (On TV)
- Wiggles (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Maddie (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Black Jesus (Pictured)
- Wonderful You
- Jessi aspires to get into the debate team and get into Brown.
- Jay is so illiterate, that he mistook his "F" for a "D".
- Nick always does his homework five minutes before class with a pen that barely works.
- Leah calls Jessi a "Virgo". This is wrong, since her birthday is April 16th, actually making her an Aires.
- Marty is proud of Andrew for once in his lifetime.
- Petra the Ambition Gremblin from Human Resources makes a crossover appearance in this episode.
- List of Reddit usernames;
- PinoyBoy12017
- DaBigRedOne
- AbortTheCourt
- BunnyLover76
- Nreekay_705
- BRY_BRY_703
- Suzy_No_Floosy
- GarlicBreadHead321
- PokemonicaFromFriends
- GoldenGirlz
- Some of the Reddit posts break the fourth wall;
- "Who watches Big Mouth here?".
- "Anyone else watch a Netflix cartoon with Hormone Monsters?"
- "Mona rules!"
- Shannon's birthday is in June.
- Connie addresses her as a "two-faced Gemini bitch", although she could just as easily be a Cancer.
- Andrew is still going without masturbating since his injury in "Epididymitis".
- Jessi returns the sweater she got from Leah in "Big Mouth's Going to High School (But Not For Nine More Episodes)" and still has kind of a crush on her.
- Judd calls Jessi a stalker, referencing to how she stole his shirt and jerked off with it in "No Nut November".
- Matthew laments about his past relationship with Jay, which ended in "The Parents Aren't Alright".
Cultural References[]
- The kids do a book report on Ulysses by James Joyce.
- Jessi imitates Tarzan in front of Leah.
- Leah has a Hamilton-esque poster in her room.
- Andrew considers his writing "Worthy of Twain", as in Mark Twain.
- Petra says "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful strictly business partnership", which is a take on the phrase, "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" from Casablanca.
- Elijah goes on Reddit and meets the website mascot, Snoo, who feeds on all the racist posts and has occasional sex with the Snapchat ghost, whose name is Ghostface Chillah.
- Petra wants Andrew to buy Twitter like Elon Musk.
- Marty always tells Andrew that he wishes he would die during COVID.