Big Mouth Wiki
Come near. The closer you look, the less you see!
—Sorcerers of The Squaretable in Requiem for a Wet Dream
The Sorcerors of the Squaretable

The Sorcerers of the Squaretable are a group of magicians, who Jay idolizes like celebrities. They first appeared in "Requiem for a Wet Dream".


In "Requiem for a Wet Dream", Jay took Jessi and Matthew to Panera Bread, where he introduced them to The Sorcerers of the Squaretable so that they could learn about teleportation from them. However, none of them seemed to appreciate magic the way they did so Jay got really pissed off.

In "Drug Buddies", Todd went to the ice cream store to order a scoop of white shit.

In "Lovebugs", Jay took Charles Lu to Panera Bread and introduced him to The Sorcerers of the Squaretable and he thought they were pretty lit. The Sorcerers of the Squaretable pulled off a magical act, where they teleported Jay from a cardboard box to the trashcan.

In "I Fucking Hate You", Jay told The Sorcerers of the Squaretable that he was going to use his magic to win Lola back, which he did. However, after he won Lola back, Lola convinced him to reveal one of his magic tricks to her and she posted this on the internet. The Sorcerers of the Squaretable were not happy with Jay for exposing one of their tricks and so they kicked him out of their group, much to Jay's misery.


  • The Magnificent Gary - A guy with a bolo tie and extremely long fingernails. He uses a harp in his act.
  • Todd - A fat hairy guy, who likes to eat white shit. He has court supervised visits with his mother.
  • Paul - A guy who has a missing daughter and is trying to make the money to buy her a ukulele.
  • Fourth Sorcerer - A gray-haired old guy, who's name has not been revealed.

Episode Appearances[]


  • Jay Bilzerian has a picture of The Sorcerors of The Squaretable on his wall.