Big Mouth Wiki

Simon Sex is a hormone monster, who acts like a tender and loving hippie. He is long-time friends with Maury although it was never specified who any of his clients were. He first appeared in "Best Friends Make the Best Lovers". He is voiced by Jemaine Clement.


Big Mouth[]

In "Best Friends Make the Best Lovers", Simon Sex was introduced as one of Maury's life-long friends. Andrew was glad to meet him and took much inspiration from him. He took some advice from Simon and passed it onto Jay to help him in his relationship with Charles Lu. All the while, Simon Sex took a bunch of mushrooms with Maury and they hallucinated a bunch of giant dicks all over themselves.

In "A Very Big Mouth Christmas", Simon Sex had to raincheck for Maury's Christmas party, lying saying that he overdosed on drugs and died as a lame excuse to cop out.

Human Resources[]

In "International Creature Convention", Simon Sex met with Walter and they had some love and sex together. They also sang Rochelle the song "Are You In Love or Just an Asshole?", to help her differentiate her feelings of love and sex, when it came to her relationship with Dante.


Simon Sex is a burnt-mustard-yellow-skinned hormone monster with chocolate hair and hazel brown eyes. He has a short and stubby nose and a butt-shaped shin. He wears a yellow vest, blue scarf, black glasses, and white necklace as his general clothing.


Simon Sex is a very tender and loving hippie type hormone monster, who's all about peace and love. However, this does not mean he can't still be sexually progressive and verbally and physically obscene. He enjoys doing aerobics and smoking hallucinogenics and getting high as a kite.




Episode Appearances[]

Big Mouth[]

Human Resources[]


  • His name is a pun on the children's game, "Simon Says".
  • He is designed to resemble his voice actor, Jemaine Clement.