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Rochelle Hillhurst is a hate worm turned lovebug, who mentors Missy Foreman-Greenwald and fuels her hatred and love. She first appeared in "Best Friends Make the Best Lovers". She also appears as a main cast member of Human Resources, serving as the lovebug of Doug Frederick. She is voiced by Keke Palmer.
Rochelle first appeared in "Best Friends Make the Best Lovers", when she came into Missy's life and encouraged her to start hating Jessi and Ali for ruining her affinity group. Rochelle exaggerated how rude Jessi and Ali were in the past to get Missy to hate them. Rochelle brought Missy to wish ill upon Jessi and fantasize about tearing her head off and this was only the beginning. Rochelle had Missy type up a bunch of mean comments about Jessi and Ali getting arrested and had her spread rumors of them hooking up in prison, which spread across the entire school and ruined their social lives. When Mona met Rochelle, Missy was worried to hear that she just gained a hate worm and started to regret the things she did under the hate worm's control. This cued the Shame Wizard to enter but Rochelle was quick to kick the Shame Wizard out and Missy let her feelings of hatred override her rational feelings of remorse.
In "I Fucking Hate You", Missy and Rochelle were so glad to see how much damage they had caused to Jessi and Ali's lives. At school, they met with Nick and his hate worm, Walter, who were also groveling in their hatred for Jessi. Rochelle befriended Walter and seemed to have recognized him from a long time ago. Together, the two teamed up to spread more hate and negativity toward Jessi and Ali. She also started to hate Devin and DeVon for getting remarried, knowing they were horrible for each other and knowing how much Missy wanted to be with DeVon. The next thing you know, Rochelle was singing with Missy, Nick, and Walter in the song "Hate, Hate, Hate", where Missy and Nick wallowed in their hatred for everybody who's ever pissed them off in the past. All of this hatred caused Rochelle and Walter to max out in size and become hate snakes. With all of the power she now had, Rochelle turned on Mona and got Missy to cuss her out of her life. Later at lunch, Missy and Nick turned on each other when they disagreed with each others' reasoning to hate Jessi, which in turn made Rochelle and Walter fight with each other as well. Before the two could really get into a war, Ali busted into the lunchroom and called out Missy for being the one who spread the rumors about her and Jessi hooking up in jail. The two of them had a massive physical brawl in the lunchroom and with Rochelle, egging her on, Missy ripped out Ali's permanent retainer in a violent fit of barbaric rage. Missy got in trouble at school and when she got home, Cyrus and Monica were very upset with her. However, Missy didn't feel bad about what she did at all. Instead, she let Rochelle get into her head and turn her into a medusa of hatred with Rochelles for hair and raged her parents out of the room.
In "Re-New Year's Eve", Rochelle turned Missy into a monster, who wouldn't even let her parents come into her room without her blowing up like a time bomb and destroying them, which is exactly what happened to Cyrus when he tried to go in there just to talk to her. Missy was able to destroy Rochelle's hate worm form by expressing her love for all of her friends and family members. The finishing blow was when she expressed her love for Rochelle, who 'died', and was reborn in her former Lovebug form, saying she had missed being a Lovebug. She was later seen at the Re-New Year's Eve party with the other Monsters and Lovebugs.
Rochelle is a munsell yellow hate worm with a beautifully vibrant purple (X11) clitellum. She has lovely green eyes in several shades of neon, lime, and chartreuse, thick black eyebrows, and full juicy red lips. She wears heavy mascara such as her purple (x11) mascara, red eyeshadow, and black fake eyelashes. She also wears a golden ring piercing on one of her eyebrows.
Rochelle is a hateful and spiteful little worm, who causes her clients to let their own feelings of anger dominate their behavior. She encourages people to act before thinking and be guided by their emotions rather than their rational thinking. She feeds off of the harmful and dangerous behavior of her clients, as it fuels her and causes her to grow bigger and stronger, which only makes her more powerful in her goals to piss off her clients and keep the mean cycle of hatred raging on.
After turning into a Love Bug, she became the opposite of her Hate Worm persona, being kind, sweet, and full of compliments and love. She encourages Missy to "lead with love" when she apologizes to Ali at the New Years party.
- Emmy Fairfax -
- Walter Las Palmas -
- Pete Doheny -
- Mona -
- Maury Beverly -
- Connie LaCienega -
- Dante -
- Nick Birch -
- Jessi Glaser -
- Ali -
- Lena Foreman -
- Donna Frederick -
Episode Appearances[]
Big Mouth[]
Human Resources[]
- Birth
- Training Day
- Bad Mummies
- Rutgers is for Lovers
- The Addiction Angel
- International Creature Convention
- The Light (Mentioned)
- It's Almost Over
- Shitstorm
- The Jizz Mitzvah
- The Tell-Tale Dick
- Total RePaul
- A League of Their Hormone
- Rochelle, Rochelle
- Paul Me By Your Name
- Tony: The Life of an Office Cold
- Pity Party
- On the Daughterfront
- Yipee Ki-Hate, Motherfucker