Big Mouth Wiki

Whaddya gunna do baby?

Ricky "Rick" is a supporting major character of Big Mouth. He is an old, dysfunctional hormone monster who is incontinent and has bad vision as all he can see are shapes. He was Coach Steve's former hormone monster and is Nick's hormone monster as well. He first appeared in "Requiem for a Wet Dream". He is voiced by Nick Kroll.


In "Requiem for a Wet Dream", Rick is introduced as Coach Steve's hormone monster, telling him that he's "the man" for vomiting up his Sanka coffee, while asking out Miss Benitez and asking to eat the vomit. Rick later tells Coach Steve to give Miss Benitez a kidney, when his cane breaks and the collapses on the ground and injures himself. He then says that he loves pizza and quotes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. When Coach Steve got rejected by Miss Benitez in response to his marriage proposal, Rick still told him that he was the man. He later showed up to bless Maury after he recovered from his skull-fucking meltdown. Apparently, Rick was able to cooperate as a support buddy, who helped him on his road to recovery. When the world started going to hell, Rick told Maury to suck his stub. When Andrew woke up to find that everything that just transpired was a dream, Rick randomly walked in and told him that some things from the dream were real, such as Jay's Bathmat. It is unknown how real any of this was.

In "The Pornscape", Rick encourages Coach Steve to keep pumping out information to Detective Florez and Detective Dumont, when he's in the interrogation room. At the end of the episode, he is introduced to Nick Birch by Maury as Nick's new hormone monster, which Nick is far less than enthused about.



  • Coach Steve - Rick is Coach Steve's hormone monster (despite Steve being a full grown adult) and they're a match made in heaven, since they're both nearly identical in that they're both dysfunctional, messed up old buffoons. Rick motivates Coach Steve every day, telling him that "he's the man" and helping him get through his middle aged adult puberty.
  • Nick Birch - Rick becomes Nick's hormone monster in "The Pornscape" and unlike Coach Steve, Nick hates Rick, being able to see just how weird and gross he is. Nick, being a smart enough guy, doesn't take any of Rick's horrible advice and just ignored him and hates everything he says and does. Nick was finally relieved of Rick in "Steve the Virgin", when he resigned from being a hormone monster entirely. However, he returned to Nick's life at the end of "Nick Starr".

Hormone Monsters[]

  • Maury - Rick and Maury are on & off frenemies. Although Rick sees Maury as an all-around friend, Maury goes in and out of liking him and hating him. In "Requiem for a Wet Dream", Rick helped Maury recover from his skull-fucking addiction and lead him down the path of God. Later on in the same episode, he told Maury to suck his stubby little dick, which Maury complied with, without hesitation.
  • Connie - Rick is friends with Connie. In "Horrority House", Connie worried about Nick's well being and Rick asked her "Are you Nick's hormone monster?", which made Connie realize that since it wasn't her circus, it wasn't her monkey. She thanked Rick for the advice and complimented his wisdom but then Rick said that he was actually asking the question for real. Connie said that she was not his hormone monster. He was. Rick laughed at her and said that she was wrong and that he was actually a hot dog.
  • Mona - Rick is friends with Mona and joined a conversation with her in it in "Horrority House".


  • Andrew Glouberman - When Andrew first saw Rick in "Am I Normal?", he thought he was absolutely revolted by him and said he looked like a q-tip that had been dropped behind a couch and had been collecting a bunch of dust and grime for years. Although technically, this was not Andrew's first interaction with Rick, as he not only met him when Maury introduced him in "Requiem for a Wet Dream" but he also saw him when he walked into his bedroom at the end of the episode.
  • Jessi Glaser - Jessi was both horrified and nauseated, when she first saw Rick in "What Are You Gonna Do?" but seemed to have grown to like him pretty well, as she flew beside him during his song.
  • Missy Foreman-Greenwald - Missy was terrified when first meeting Rick in "What Are You Gonna Do?", exclaiming "What the F is that!?".

Episode Appearances[]


  • Rick mildly resembles Coach Steve.
  • His catchphrases are "What are you gonna do?" and "You're the man."
  • Rick seems to be even older then Maury and Connie who are confirmed to be over 75,000,000 years old, leaving him as being over 100,000,000 (one hundred million) years old.
  • He likes pizza.
  • He has a severe case of erectile dysfunction.