Big Mouth Wiki

I have two days left until retirement. You can kill each other when I'm on a pontoon boat, drinking my grandchildren's names out of my mind.
—Principal Barron in Super Mouth

Principal Barron is the former principal of Bridgeton Middle School, before her retirement in "Super Mouth". She is a deary and depressing woman, who hates her job and longs for the nearby day she retires. Because of her excitement to retire, Principal Baron does not take her job seriously and tries to evade getting into any work-related drama, whereas to make her last few days of work as peaceful as possible. However, despite her multiple claims that she is about to retire, she never appears to actually retire. She first appeared in "Girls Are Horny Too". She is voiced by Maya Rudolph.


Principal Barron made her debut in the episode "Girls Are Horny Too", where she simply made a cameo, where she was just standing around. Nick told Andrew that girls got horny and Andrew wondered if that was also the case with her.

In "The Department of Puberty", Principal Barron, along with Detectives Florez and Dumont, unhappily made a public speech to all the students of Bridgeton Middle School expressing her anger toward the gymnasium being vandalized, shat on, and lit on fire in the previous episode. She vowed to catch the mysterious culprit who lit the place on fire but never did. When hearing that Coach Steve was responsible for all of the kids during the event, she got mad at him for doing nothing to stop it and promptly fired him. It took Coach Steve an entire hour to fully comprehend what she was telling him before he finally figured out that he was fired.

In "Girls Are Angry Too", Principal Barron enforced a dress code on the school, which demanded that everyone wear uniforms. The girls protested this dress code and demanded that it be revoked. Principal Barron, who was 49 days from retirement and hoping to avoid getting into any drama in her last few days of work, quickly caved into criticism and abolished the rule, claiming that the next student who spoke to her was getting expelled.

In "Disclosure the Movie: The Musical!", Principal Barron was 8 days from retirement and said she planned on going to Lake Chautauqua when she retired. Jessi, Gina, Ali, and Matthew all went to her office to complain about the school play, claiming it was sexist, racist, and poorly cast and demanded it be canceled. Principal Barron refused as she thought it would stir up too much drama. However, when Mr. Lizer was exposed as a sexual offender, she canceled the play on the night of the premiere and fired him. At this time, Coach Steve came back to the school and asked for his job back. Principal Barron thought he couldn't be any worse than Mr. Lizer and rehired him, saying that he could be an actual teacher. However, Coach Steve insisted on still being a gym teacher, despite how much worse pay he'd be getting. Principal Barron didn't understand why he wanted this but she decided it was best not to argue with him and give him his really stupid wish.

In "Super Mouth", Principal Barron tried to stop the kids from destroying the school with the superpowers, as she was less than a week from retirement and didn't want any drama. She said that during her retirement, she'd be "drinking her grandchildren out of her memories". At the end of the episode, she hosted the graduation party and a huge superhero fight broke out in the middle of the ceremony, pissing her off on her last day before retirement.

In "Cafeteria Girls", Principal Barron's former role as principal was replaced by The Masked Principal.


Principal Barron is an elderly Caucasian woman with bags under her blue eyes, a droopy nose, and unkempt, pale gray hair, worn in a bun. She wears golden pearl earrings, a, indigo jacket, a lavender buttoned undershirt, a long violet skirt, and black shoes.


Principal Barron is a drab, nihilistic, downtrodden woman, who, at this point in life, is sick of the shit and just riding it out until she can finally retire and put her entire shitfest of a past behind her for good. She always looks extremely weary and constantly sports a stoic frown. Whenever she's faced with a problem, she makes it abundantly clear to everybody that she's extremely annoyed with having to put up with it, by complaining and insulting the people she works with. Near the end of her career, Principal Barron counted down the days until her retirement and hoping that no crazy, chaotic disasters will take place on her watch. Unfortunately, this has been the exact case, many, many times. From children going nuts and vandalizing the gym, to girls going to school dressed as sluts, to teachers sexually harassing students, Principal Barron puts up with a lot. Despite how much she hates her job, Principal Barron has demonstrated that she can do it quite well. She knows how to do the right thing settle arguments and protests, whenever they happen and fire employees, whenever they act incompetent or inappropriate. Overall, she's a good leader but one who doesn't wish to lead. It is implied that aside from her job, Principal Barron has left behind an extremely painful and regrettable life, that has been left undetailed and unexplored, except for a comment she made about wanting to forget the existence of her grandchildren entirely by drinking them out of her memory. As of now, Principal Barron is retired and is presumably doing just that and very likely, at long last, satisfied and at peace.



  • Coach Steve - Principal Barron is very annoyed with Coach Steve's antics and bullshit. In "The Department of Puberty", she was so pissed off with how he left the kids unattended during the sleepover, that she fired his ass. It took Coach Steve four hours to comprehend what happened, which drove Principal Barron to insanity, having to explain what was happening to him. Despite so furiously cutting him that day, when Coach Steve returned in "Disclosure the Movie: The Musical!", a changed man, Principal Barron was impressed with how much he had improved and gladly gave him his job back and even offered to give him a higher-paying position but Coach Steve insisted on continuing to be a gym coach.
  • Terry Lizer - Principal Barron is strongly disgusted with Mr. Lizer as a person, having found out about him sexually harassing Lola in "Disclosure the Movie: The Musical!". Very mad about his wrongdoings, Principal Barron told him then and there that he was fired and shut down his entire play as he left.

Episode Appearances[]


  • It is unknown what her marital/parental status is. She has never mentioned anything about having a spouse or children. However, in "Super Mouth", she mentioned having grandchildren, who she despises and wants to forget the existence of.