Nick's Outline are the first two pubic hairs to grow on the crotch of Nick Birch. The first Outline has a wacky, high-pitched voice and a quirky personality and the second outline talks like a black guy and has a laid-back personality. They made their first appearance in the episode "The Pornscape". The black guy outline was plucked off of him in "Am I Normal?" and flushed down the toilet, leading to his death.
Near the end of "The Pornscape", Nick finally started outlinerty as indicated by him growing two pubic hairs on his upper crotch. When Nick looked down his pants, he happily saw his two new outlines greeting him. Because of him entering outlinerty, Nick also got Rick as his hormone monster.
In "Am I Normal?", Rick told Nick to masturbate and gave him some very poor instructions, leading Nick to hurt his dick and for his outlines to complain and beg him to stop. Nick later went to the bathroom but as he pulled down his pants, one of his outlines got caught on his pants and got plucked out and landed on the rim of the toilet. Nick was horrified and saddened to see his outline fall off but he had no choice but to say his final goodbyes and blow it into the toilet and flush it down. Nick's remaining outline told Nick that he was sick of Rick and convinced him to suffocate him with a pillow.