Leore Paulblart is the son of Rabbi Paul Blart, who owned a failed business, selling wigs to religious dogs. He first appeared in "Guy Town", although he was mentioned earlier in "The Shame Wizard".
Leore Paulblart was first mentioned in "I Survived Jessi's Bat Mitzvah", where Rabbi Paul Blart told Andrew about how he had a business, selling wigs to religious dogs.
Leore made his first actual appearance in "Guy Town", where he was standing around in Greg's closet in Guy Town being a creepshow. He defended his business selling wigs to religious dogs, blaming its downfall on his customers. Later on, he started making gross sexual passes at Jessi and Greg had to tell him to fuck off.
In "The Green-Eyed Monster", Ali suspected Leore as one of the possible suspects for who "DrPlainTalk" could be.
Leore is Caucasian, has grayish hair with a small ponytail and is slightly overweight, and wears rounded lenses. And he has a beard and mustache that gives him the shape of a padlock and He wears a red shirt, which shows that he has no hygiene since he has sweat and grease stains on it. And some blue jeans.
He is depicted as a strange and creepy guy and could be considered a pedophile since he began to harass Jessi about being his father's ex and apart he made sounds of satisfaction.
- He has a poor sense of vision and needs to wear glasses for his astigmatism. In contrast, he has a great sense of smell.
- He is a pedophile, as seen by how he hit on Jessi Glaser.