Leah Birch[]
Although not to to the same extent as Nick, Judd occasionally bullies and abuses Leah where a flashback shows a young Judd lighting Leah's hair on fire ("The Planned Parenthood Show"). Because Leah is part of his family, it's safe to say that he actually does care for her the way he does for Nick. Judd's behaviour appears to disturb Leah less than it does Nick, likely because she's had more time to get used to his ways. In "The Head Push", Judd buys Leah wine for her party, and after she is sexually assaulted by Daniel, Judd slashes his tires. However, this was not with the intent of avenging his sister, as he did this to every car in the parking lot. Despite this, Leah still considered Judd's actions to be "sweet" and thanked him for it.
Nick Birch[]
Judd is always torturing, abusing and insulting Nick by making every day of his life a living nightmare. Judd will do things like beat Nick up, call him vulgar names and hire Raccoons to kill him. Whenever Nick is in a time of desperation or things are going terrible for him in his life, Judd will laugh at him, really kicking him while he's down. Despite horribly tormenting Nick in such cruel and heinous ways, he has admitted that he does not "hate" him the way he hates others, in "The Head Push", because as he says "He's his brother." Deep down, Judd actually cares for his brother and loves him dearly, but he just doesn't show it every day at the risk that he may come across as a pussy. While it's true that Judd laughs at Nick, when things are going wrong for him, he also sympathizes with him from time to time. In the aforementioned episode, Judd felt bad for Nick, when he blew his chances with losing his virginity to Tallulah Levine and said "I just want to watch the world burn and for my little brother to get his dinger wet."