Big Mouth Wiki
Big Mouth Wiki
If this kimono could talk, it'd be nothing but bullshit.
—Jerome in Guy Town

Jerome is a recurring character in Big Mouth. He is a homosexual old man that lives in Guy Town. He first appeared in "Guy Town". He is voiced by Harvey Fierstein.


In "Guy Town", the boys went to Guy Town, where Jerome started hitting on Elliot, apparently mistaking him for a fellow homosexual. Elliot didn't catch the sexual undertones that Jerome was letting on and responded to his advances, making a real ass of himself. Matthew later came up to Jerome and immediately started insulting him with some snarky and snide remarks. Jerome told Matthew that being catty and gay isn't a personality trait and that he should drop the whole sassy and rude act. Jerome let Matthew know that he wasted all of his 20's, being like him and that was time he wishes he could get back. This kind of got to Matthew, as he thought Jerome was right.

Jerome got into some trouble later when his coffee maker fell down and broke in a puddle of water he was standing in, causing him to get electrocuted to death. Thankfully, Elliot came to the rescue by giving him mouth to mouth and bringing him back to life.

At the end of that long and crazy day, Matthew came up to Jerome and apologized for how he was acting and swore he wanted to start being nice. Jerome gave him the opportunity to practice being nice by listening to his recite his one-act musical play about Stonewall. Matthew was clearly bored out of his mind, but sat there with a painted-on smile, all so he could be nice to Jerome.

Jerome's nugget of wisdom stuck with Matthew for some time, as Matthew continued to force himself to be kind to others into the episodes "Dark Side of the Boob", "Smooch or Share", "My Furry Valentine", "Cellsea", and "Obsessed" but this kindness streak kind of died out by "Rankings".

In "Horrority House", Jerome appeared in Matthew's ayahuasca-induced dream, dressed as Satan. Matthew was surprised to see that Jerome was a recurring character. In this dream, Jerome gave Matthew a conundrum, wherein Aiden and Kimberly were suspended over a flaming pit of chainsaws and he had to choose which one he wanted to save, symbolizing how Matthew was faced with choosing between being gay with his boyfriend, which would disappoint his homophobic mother and being "straight" for his mom, breaking his boyfriend's heart. Matthew took too long to decide and ended up killing both Aiden and Kimberly. However, Matthew realized that because this was all just a poorly put together play in a dream and that no matter what choice he made in the real world, nobody was going to die. Knowing the consequences aren't as dire as he was making them out to be, Matthew decided he would choose to be gay and side with Aiden and ascended back to consciousness again. As Matthew left, he told Jerome "Thank for, for giving me perceptive." and Jerome wanted to know if he could put that quote on a flier he forces on people in Times Square.

Episode Appearances[]


  • His name was not revealed until his appearance in "Horrority House".
  • Jerome likes to vape.
  • Jerome is working on a musical play about the Stonewall riots.
  • According to his Satanic nicknames, "Beelzebubbe" and "Jew-cifer", it can be inferred that Jerome is Jewish.
  • Jerome drives a Mazda.