Big Mouth Wiki
Big Mouth Wiki
Coach Steve Breaks the Fourth Wall

The Fourth Wall is a literary term that refers to the invisible wall between the audience and the show, that separates fiction from reality. In works of fiction, characters are not allowed to "break the fourth wall", which means they're not allowed to mention that they're fictional and instead act as though their fictional story is in real life. However, many works of fiction have purposely broken the fourth wall as is their means of telling their stories. Big Mouth has broken the wall numerous times for comedic purposes.

Big Mouth[]

Season 1[]

  • Ejaculation
    • Jessi tells Nick that he has a big mouth, title dropping the name of the show.
  • Everybody Bleeds
    • The Ladybug appeared multiple times, throughout the episode to talk directly to the audience.
    • Maury uses a remote to replay a scene from the previous episode, where Andrew jizzed his pants.
  • Am I Gay?
    • Coach Steve rips through the "next episode" screen at the end of the episode, trying to find a bathroom in the Netflix channel. He asks the audience what they'll be doing after the show is over.
  • Sleepover: A Harrowing Ordeal of Emotional Brutality
    • Maury makes a callback to the previous episode, by saying "You're picturing it and we're talking about it." and then asks the audience if they're binge-watching the show. He tells the audience that in the next episode, Jessi will be discovering her vagina.
    • Nick and Andrew fight Val and Kurt by squirting ointment in their eyes. Kurt screams "Aaaah! It stings!" and Andrew adds "But it's worth it." An achievement pop up appears on screen, reading "You've unlocked a reference to episode one".
  • Girls Are Horny Too
    • Coach Steve appears in a confessional sequence, in a similar fashion to The Office. Steve talks to how the confessional trope is usually just a storytelling crutch but in this case, it's a meaningless departure from the plot. However, he has faith the story will get back on track again.
    • Duke Ellington talks directly to the audience, pointing out the absurdity in Elliot and Diane promoting their son and daughter talking about sex.
  • Pillow Talk
    • Diane bans Nick from watching Netflix for an entire week. Nick cries over this as he looks to the camera, asking what he will do without Netflix.
  • Requiem for a Wet Dream
    • Maurice jokes that the writers insisted on there being a scene where he skull-fucks Garrison Keillor.
  • The Head Push
    • Nick gets drunk and says that he has a big mouth. He then realizes that "Big Mouth" is the name of the show he's in and starts drunkenly rambling to the audience.
  • I Survived Jessi's Bat Mitzvah
    • Maury breaks the fourth wall to make a commercial for Monster Energy drinks, in hopes that he'll become the spokesperson for the brand.
    • Maury's Jewish Penis eats a scallop and looks at the audience asking, "What, you've never seen a hormone monster's Jewish penis eat a scallop before? Get a life!"
  • The Pornscape
    • Nick and Andrew say that someday, they should create a TV show, based on their teenage years. This is a reference to how Big Mouth is a TV show, created by Nick Kroll and Andrew Goldberg, which is based on their teenage years. Maurice worries that due to the sexual content, their show might be labeled as "child pornography" (in reference to the controversy the show gets in real life) but then wonders if they'll be able to get away with it if it's animated, before turning to the camera and nervously asking "Right?"

Season 2[]

  • What Is It About Boobs?
    • Nick does a spot-on impersonation of Coach Steve, which is a subtle nod to the fact that they're both voiced by the same voice actor, Nick Kroll.
  • The Shame Wizard
    • Jessi points out to Connie that she only has four fingers instead of five and justifies that although it's not anatomically accurate, it's a very common stylistic choice in animation.
    • Nick and Gina talk about Netflix in a very stilted, commercial-like manner as though they were trying to market the streaming service to the audience. Nick says that if Gina can't afford to but Netflix, he can give her his own account for free. Before he can finish, the scene cuts as though Netflix was trying to censor them for giving away ways for viewers to freeload their shows and lose them money.
    • At the end of the episode, the Bad Mitten breaks the fourth wall to spoil the next episode for the audience, revealing that Coach Steve is going to lose his virginity.
  • Steve the Virgin
    • Coach Steve breaks the fourth wall to say that this week, it's going to be him, who's going through changes as opposed to the main cast. Coach Steve then appears during the opening credits to sing along with the theme song. In the end, he asks the viewer if they skipped through the opening credits.
  • The Planned Parenthood Show
    • Nick worries about the controversy their show will get for doing an episode on the topic of abortion. He later looks through the Twitter comments on his phone and is horrified to see what some angry people are saying about them.
    • The episode ends with an SNL style cast-reunion party, where everybody thanks the audience for watching their show and hopes they'll win an Emmy. (In real life, this episode was nominated for an Emmy but lost to The Simpsons).
  • Drug Buddies
    • In a flashback to 1998, Greg and Shannon smoked weed and started hacking and gagging. Greg apologized, saying that marijuana is of very poor quality "back in this day in age". The way he worded this makes it clear that he knew he was in a flashback.
    • Shannon and Greg get back from watching The Truman Show in theaters and Shannon wonders how weird it would be if her whole life took place in a TV show.
    • Nick goes on a drug trip and sees his future self, who tells him that when he becomes an adult, he'll base a cartoon off of his life that will air on Nitflax.
  • Guy Town
    • The ladybug appears again and starts breaking the fourth wall again.
    • Andrew tells the audience that if they missed the fleshlight on the table during the poker scene in the musical number, they should rewind to see it.
  • Dark Side of the Boob
    • Tyler goes crazy and tells the viewer of the show that he wants to touch their boobs.
    • At the end of the episode, Shame Wizard tells the audience to watch the next episode.
  • The Department of Puberty
    • Connie tells Rick that she can never understand what he’s saying and Rick tells her that if she doesn’t understand, she can just refer to the subtitles.

Season 3[]

  • My Furry Valentine
    • Maury and Andrew do a do a confessional sequence where they tell the viewers how they first met.
    • The Ladybug tells the audience that if they’re uncomfortable with the episode’s subject matter, they had better buckle up because this is a double-length episode.
    • Jessi and Connie do a confessional sequence, telling the audience how they first met.
    • Matthew admits to booking a voice double for Jessi, when they sing "Who Needs a Boy?".
    • Duke Ellington breaks the fourth wall to advertise Oedipal Arrangements.
    • Matthew and Maury do a confessional sequence, telling the audience how they first met.
    • Andrew scores a basketball goal and in amazement, tells the audience to rewind and see him score again, after finishing the special, of course.
  • Girls Are Angry Too
    • Maury helps the audience remember what Andrew did in the previous episode by showing them a flashback.
    • Connie bets that Jay was going to fuck a turkey at the end of the episode.
    • Jay brags about fucking a turkey and Connie comes out of the locker, saying that she called it.
    • The Ladybug tells the audience that this season, they're in for a real treat and also points out how one of the episodes is called "How To Have An Orgasm".
  • Cellsea
    • Coach Steve works as a caterer for parties and says that the writers are giving him a new job in every episode.
  • Obsessed
    • Andrew refers to water as "blue liquid", which may be a joke on how water is always blue-colored in cartoons, despite it being clear in real life.
    • Maury and Matthew sing a parody of "He's a Jolly Good Fellow" and Maury says that the song is public domain.
  • Florida
    • Marty complains about the show during the theme song, calling it disgusting and stupid and comparing it to the far superior show, Two and a Half Men. He gets so sick of listening to the theme song that he shouts at the audience to skip the theme song already.
  • How To Have An Orgasm
    • Maury promotes suicide and Andrew reminds him that because of Netflix's standards and practices, he should probably dissuade suicide so that none of the audience members kill themselves. Maury tells people that killing themselves is wrong, even though it makes for some captivating television, which was a reference to the other Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why.
    • In Jessi's imagination, Coach Steve (in the form of a monkey) enters and then thinks that he's probably not supposed to be in this part. This is a joke on how Coach Steve is always being shoehorned into every episode of the show even for just a short cameo, no matter how little the plot calls for him.
  • Duke
    • Nick says that he doesn't watch anything on HBO and then talks to someone off-camera and asks if that's what they wanted him to say, implying that the producers at Netflix told Nick, as one of their stars, to slander HBO, as it was one of their competitors in the market of streaming services.
    • Big Bowser Blakely mentions that people used to call refrigerators "ice boxes" "back in the day, which is now." as though he knew he was in a flashback to the past.
  • Rankings
    • A child stripper shows the boys how old she is on her fingers. She holds up all of her fingers, which translates to her being eight years old. This is a reference to the common stylistic choice of cartoon characters only having four fingers on each hand.
  • The ASSes
    • The kids are surprised to see Jay behaving properly in class and begin to wonder if they're just having a fever dream. Caleb assures them that they're not having a dream because if they were, the animation style would be different.
    • Jay refers to Amazon Prime as the number one streaming service.
  • Disclosure the Movie: The Musical!
    • Mr. Lizer says the cast list for the play will be revealed after "You" skip the opening credits.

Season 4[]

  • The New Me
    • The episode opens with a fourth-wall breaking musical number that recaps the events of Season 3 as a way of helping people catch up with the new season.
    • Connie breaks the fourth wall to welcome to audience back to the show for the new season.
    • Harry's poor explanation of transgenderism mirrors the show's infamously poor explanation of pansexuality in "Rankings", which the show got a lot of flak for.
  • The Hugest Period Ever
    • Connie breaks the fourth wall to make a shout-out to Daniel Day-Lewis, after referencing to his movie, "There Will Be Blood".
    • Missy looks to the fourth wall and says that it's not okay for her to say the "N" word. This is a subtle jab at her voice actress, Jenny Slate, being Caucasian.
    • Harry breaks the fourth wall to tell the audience a fun fact about British volleyball.
    • Mona shows the viewers that she uses Tom's of Maine hair conditioner on her grandma.
  • Poop Madness
    • Harry puts a message on the screen that reads "#ZORATHEEXPLORA".
    • Featuring Ludacris puts an end to Jay and Lola's imagination sequence and shows the audience what's really happening.
    • Maury breaks the fourth wall to make a shout-out to Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston.
  • Cafeteria Girls
    • The billboard outside the school read "First day of school, fourth episode?".
    • Misha and Izzy are depicted as characters of a show called "Cafeteria Girls", which does a "crossover episode" with Big Mouth.
    • Nick and Andrew argue with Misha and Izzy over whose show they're currently on, "Big Mouth" or "Cafeteria Girls".
    • Izzy and Misha reveal that they're being filmed before a live studio audience.
    • Nick and Andrew criticize Cafeteria Girls for its disgusting content and use dialogue that perfectly mirrors common criticisms that their own show gets.
  • A Very Special 9/11 Episode
    • Mila and Lotte remind the audience that they're cannibals and say that it must be so horrible for them to witness their favorite characters being in danger, which they're unable to do anything to save them.
    • Missy says that as though having a white mom and a black dad isn't confusing enough for her racial identity, she also has a white voice actress, who's 37 years old.
    • A poster for "Cafeteria Girls" shows up in the subway.
    • Mona reminds Missy about how hot DeVon's nipples were in the Wakanda sequence.
    • Lola breaks the fourth wall at the end of the episode to wish the audience a happy 9/11.
  • Nick Starr
    • In the future year of 2052, a billboard advertises a show called "Cafeteria Women", featuring full-grown adult versions of Izzy and Misha.
    • A posthumous hologram of Missy claims that she was murdered because she knew too much and Coach Steve says "Oooh, plot twist!"
    • Coach Steve talks directly to the audience to say that he's been kicked in the head by a horse and is now extremely intelligent, yet he fails to demonstrate the intelligence he claims to have before dying.
  • Four Stories About Hand Stuff
    • This episode is framed with Maury and Connie in bed, watching the show on their laptop and talking about how much they liked this episode and the episode before that. Connie says that all four of the writers are in a polyamorous marriage.
  • The Funeral
    • Maury breaks the fourth wall to make a shout out to Nancy Meyers and her movie, "Something's Gotta Give".
    • Maury gets sick of dealing with Andrew and goes over to Matthew's scene.
    • Maury continues dialogue from a scene with Matthew before noticing he's back in Andrew's scene.
  • Horrority House
    • Maury breaks the fourth wall to make a shout out to Marv Albert and his famous catchphrase, "Yes!".
    • Matthew recognizes Jerome from the Season 2, Episode 7, ("Guy Town") and is surprised to see that he has returned as a recurring character.
  • What Are You Gonna Do?
    • Lola threatens Jay that he's going to be in big trouble next season.

Season 5[]

  • No Nut November
    • In Andrew's narration at the start of the episode, he says that by Season 5, everybody was jacking off.
    • Andrew notes that the only reason he's aware of Jessi's crush on Judd is because he's the narrator.
    • Cum Kumail Nanjiani seizes the opportunity to use Netflix advertise his other show, The Big Sick on Amazon Prime.
    • At the end of the episode, Andrew talks directly to the camera, while narrating his story.
  • The Shane Lizard Rises
    • The Shame Wizard takes out his iPad and pulls up the description of the very episode he's in, showing Lola that she's mentioned the Netflix blurb for this episode.
    • Lola gets her head squashed in the iris out at the end of the episode.
  • Lovebugs
    • Maury states to the camera that he pockets all of the money his Boy Scout Penis makes.
    • Walter tells Sonya that although she already knows what love feels like, the audience doesn't, so he has to explain it.
    • When Rick gets hurt doing a cheerleader split, Maury says to turn off the camera.
  • The Green-Eyed Monster
    • Matthew gets annoyed with Maury talking like Shakespeare and hopes he doesn't talk that way the entire episode.
  • Thanksgiving
    • When Missy makes an ass of herself, while stoned on marijuana, a whole bunch of stoned Missys show up in the live studio audience, laughing at her performance in the episode.
    • In the style of a "Viewers Vote" episode, Maury asks the audience to decide whether he should tell Andrew to jack off or kill himself by testing "Jack" or "Die" to the phone number, #6969. 52% of people voted "Jack" and 48% voted "Die" and Maury gets chills from how dark hateful the fans of the show are.
    • Maury asks the audience if they want him to make one more Thanksgiving sex pun or to tell Andrew to kill himself again. This time, only 32% of people vote "One More" and 68% of them advocate for Andrew's suicide.
    • Fernando holds a Viewer Vote to ask whether Andrew should break the cycle of abuse in his family or commit suicide. This time, a mere 16% of voters say he should break the cycle, while a whopping 84% demand he end it all. One again, Maury finds this chilling.
  • Best Friends Make the Best Lovers
    • Maury insists that the audience is interested in meeting Simon Sex.
  • I Fucking Hate You
    • When Walter breaks out of his cocoon as a monstrous hate worm, Rick hides under Nick's bed, trembling in terror and eating popcorn. He says worries that this is gunna be a scary episode.
    • Coach Steve sees Nick and Missy becoming friends again and assumes this is going to be a nice episode.
    • Bad Mitten scoffs at the audience for laughing at someone as unfunny as Coach Steve and rants that he hates this episode.
    • Nick says that this show is all about making fun of Andrew but Maury argues that it's actually a show about middle-aged people playing masturbating teenagers, who have big feelings and graphic periods.
    • Andrew wonders if they've ever done a queefing episode but Maury says that the writers haven't greenlit one yet, despite his constant pitches for one.
  • A Very Big Mouth Christmas
    • The entire episode is framed as puppets of Maury and Connie talking directly to the audience, welcoming them to their Christmas special.
    • Coach Steve is amazed to be in Featuring Ludacris' story.
    • Mila and Lotte tell the audience that if they don't pass on the story of Vader Johann to someone else, the real Vader Johann will come into their houses at night and murder them.
  • Sugarbush
    • Maury beams with pride over both of his clients, Andrew and Matthew, being very sexually successful this episode.
  • Re-New Year's Eve
    • Maury announces to Andrew that the writers are finally letting him write his own jokes.
    • Maury soon loses the privilege to tell his own jokes.
    • Nick Birch goes down a dark and grimly lit hallway at Human Resources and comes face to face with the real life Nick Kroll, who introduces himself as his real-life inspiration and voice actor. Nick gets pissed off at him for ruining his life by writing all of the bad stories he had to endure. Nick Kroll shows Nick the script for this very scene, where the script is being written as they talk.
    • Nick Kroll tells Maury that he's not doing anymore of his jokes because he doesn't like saying them. Maury is surprised to hear that Nick Kroll is his voice actor and also somewhat disappointed because he thought his voice actor was Will Arnett. On the flip side, Nick Kroll was never mistaken for the voice actor of BoJack Horseman.
    • Jessi and Ali think that Andrew's fat ass was the highlight of Season 5.
    • Connie is also surprised to hear that Maury is not voiced by Will Arnett.
    • At the end of the episode, Connie wishes the audience a Happy New Year.

Human Resources[]

Season 1[]

  • Birth
    • Connie told Maury that he should be proud of himself, since he stars in two shows on Netflix, referencing to the show itself also also its root series, Big Mouth.
  • Bad Mummies
    • Emmy addressed Becca as "Ali Wong", (the name of her voice actor) and Becca told her she was in no mood to be meta right now.
    • Lionel assured his mom that Becca was about to cry but they cut to the main title.
  • The Light
    • Sonya broke the fourth wall, acknowledging that the next scene after this was going to be the cock fight.
  • It's Almost Over
    • Flanny told Emmy that Walter couldn't help her because he was preoccupied with the A Plot.
  • Shitstorm
    • Walter told everybody that he hopes the writers would kill them all of this episode and give Season 2 a whole new cast.

