“ | I'm the lovebug and I know love. I invented the saying, "Kiss me, I'm Irish." for fuck sake! | ” |
—Flanny O'Lympic in Love in the Time of Postpartum
Flanny O'Lympic is a character introduced in Human Resources. He is a lovebug, who works for Barry and Andrew Glouberman. He first appeared in "Love in the Time of Postpartum".
Human Resources[]
Flanny first appeared in "Love in the Time of Postpartum", where he worked as one of Barry's many monsters, working alongside the likes of Tyler, Tito, and Cat Stevens. He was very worried when Becca told Barry that she didn't love him anymore. Flanny suggested that Barry make a romantic gesture for Becca at her job and go to work with Jake but this attempt failed. Eventually, Emmy was able to get Becca to fall back in love with Barry again by reminding her of just how great of a guy he was, even when she was being shitty to him. Flanny and the other monsters celebrated this victory by getting drunk at The Mistake Factory.
In "It's Almost Over", Flanny was at the Lovebug convention at Human Resources and tried to break up the bad blood between Emmy and Rochelle by telling them how nonsensical the incident from "International Creature Convention" was and encouraged them to hug it out. When getting back to work, it turned out that the lovebug meeting they were having was about J.K. Rowling's career going downhill.
Big Mouth[]
Flanny first appeared in "Twenty Two and You", when he got introduced as Andrew's lovebug, when he fell in love with Bernie Sanders. He was very put off by Andrew's extensive record of disgusting behavior, such as public masturbation and incest. Flanny's stomach would turn over every time he watched as Andrew acted like his normal, dirty, nymphomaniac self. Eventually, Flanny couldn't take it anymore and decided to quit before Maury told him that he truly loved Andrew and wanted the best for him and Bernie. This motivated Flanny to stick around through the gross stuff and try to see it through until Andrew finally got his girl.
In "Rice Purity Test", Flanny was astonished that Andrew could feel any love, considering how hateful his father, Marty Glouberman was. He also got to meet Marty's Lovebug, who was a sickly old creature on life support because of how poorly he'd been treated by Marty. When Bernie got pissed off at Andrew for being sexist, Flanny helped him to understand his mistake and worked with him to make an apology to her. Thankfully, Bernie accepted the apology. He also lent a helping hand to Marty's Lovebug to keep him alive.
In "Andrew's Gunna Touch Boob Tonight", Flanny lit up with love when Bernie came down to Bridgeton to see Andrew and touch boobs with him. Flanny worried that Marty and Barbara's toxic relationship would bring down the mood when Bernie came over to visit, which, of course, it did. Andrew's boob-touching of Bernie was ruined when Andrew broke down crying into Bernie's boobs but Flanny considered this to be an official boob-touch nevertheless, even though Maury disagreed with its validity and argued back and forth with him about it.
In "Asexual Healing", Flanny was concerned about Bernie's new friend, Allison and worried that he might try to steal Bernie from Andrew. He convinced Andrew to travel all the way down to Vermont and surprise Bernie as a romantic gesture, to help bring them back together.
Flanny O'Lympic is a short yellow lovebug with sky-blue eyes and ginger-orange hair. He wears a red leotard, a green scarf, and black shoes.
Flanny O'Lympic is an excitable and romantic lovebug, who prioritizes love over everything else. He has kind of a weak stomach and isn't used to helping perverted people with their romantic endeavors. This made it very difficult for him to manage as Andrew's lovebug. Flanny is a proud Irish lovebug, who takes pride in his Irish culture. He is also a very religious man of the Irish-Catholic faith and exclaims lots of sacrilegious explicative about Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary. Flanny is not a fan of racist jokes and gets kind of offended when people make jokes about his Irish culture. Despite this, he still conforms to several Irish stereotypes, such as being a heavy drinker and often resorting to profanities although in his defense, this is kind of how most characters in the show behave.
Episode Appearances[]
Human Resources[]
Big Mouth[]
- Twenty Two and You
- Rice Purity Test
- Andrew's Gunna Touch Boob Tonight
- Asexual Healing
- The Parents Aren't Alright
- Fucked Up Friday
- Flanny O'lympic is of Irish descent.
- His last name is an obvious reference to the worldwide sporting event, The Olympics.
- Like Sonya Poinsettia, Flanny O'Lympic is one of two established Love Bugs to not yet show a Hate Worm form.
- He invented the saying "Kiss Me, I'm Irish."