Fucked Up Friday is the tenth and final Season 6 episode of Big Mouth, the sixty-first episode overall.
Everybody switches bodies with each other.
Andrew wakes up in his father's body while Marty is in Andrew's body. The two go to work and school, until Andrew decides to use Marty's body to woo his mother and fix their marriage. The gesture fails, and in an argument with Andrew, Marty reveals that he loves Barbara but fears she doesn't want him if he told her. Andrew, in Marty's body, apologizes to Barbara for all Marty has done and how he admires her, and was scared to look weak. It works, but also makes her horny. Nick to his horror wakes up in his grandfather Seamus' body, and Seamus in his body. While Seamus goes off to drink, Nick is able to convince Diane, and the two manage to change Elliot back by having "Seamus" tell him he is sorry and loves him. Seamus in Nick's body insults them, and Elliot admits he is setting a bad example for his father's love, and want to give love instead of hurt. Jessi finds herself in Delilah's body while Delilah is in Jessi's body. At school, Lola helps, thinking Jessi is on drugs, while Jessi enjoys attention and being given baby baths, but soon discovers she has bloating gas and in unable to tell Greg and Caitlin. Jay wakes up in Coach Steve's body, but Coach Steve's mind is still there and Jay's body is unconscious in the woods. At school, the Sorcerers of the Square Table ask for Jay's help save Gary from the Bread Bowl Dimension, but Jay's mind says he is no longer a magician, and he refuses to help. Steve helps convince Jay to be the sweet kid he knew could love magic again. Missy finds herself swapped with Nathan Fillion. Fillion is familiar with body swaps and goes off to learn a life lesson to make the switch back, while Missy flees to her home where Fillion still is. As they talk, Elijah arrives, and due to the personal nature, "Nathan" is brought along. Elijah admits he is asexual and doesn't want to break up, to Missy's relief. As a storm comes in, Missy accepts Elijah and stays his girlfriend. Seamus hugs Elliot and Nick, Jay helps perform the ritual and helps bring Gary back, Jessi wants her old self back, and as Andrew is about to be made love to, everyone switches to their old bodies. Jessi burps Delilah to get rid of the gas, Nathan Fillion leaves, and Andrew listens to his parents have really loud sex.
Major Roles[]
- Nick Birch
- Andrew Glouberman
- Jessi Glaser
- Jay Bilzerian
- Missy Foreman-Greenwald
- Matthew MacDell
- Coach Steve
- Diane Birch
- Elliot Birch
- Marty Glouberman
- Barbara Glouberman
- Greg Glaser
- Caitlyn Grafton
- Nathan Fillion
- Seamus MacGregor
- Delilah
- Sorcerers of The Squaretable
Minor Roles[]
- Maury Beverly
- Connie LaCienega
- Mona
- Rick
- Lola Skumpy
- Elijah
- Duke Ellington
- Monica Foreman-Greenwald
- Flanny O'Lympic
- Marty's Lovebug
- Susan O'Malley
- Gina Alvarez (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Ali (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Shannon Glaser (Mentioned)
Cultural References[]
- This episode spoofs Freaky Friday, with several characters realizing they've swapped bodies.