Big Mouth Wiki

Why do all my girlfriends' daughters hate me?
—Dina Reznick in What Is It About Boobs?

Cantor Dina Reznick is a recurring character in Big Mouth. She is a cantor at Temple Beth Amphetamine, who Shannon had an affair with. She first appeared in "Pillow Talk". She is voiced by Michaela Watkins.


Before making her official onscreen debut, Cantor Dina was mentioned in dialogue in the episode "Sleepover: A Harrowing Ordeal of Emotional Brutality", where Shannon went out with her and left Jessi to be babysat by Greg during her sleepover. It was unknown that Shannon was having an affair with Dina at this time.

Dina makes her first appearance in "Pillow Talk", where she went around New York City, wearing Andrew's lost jazz hat and having an affair with Shannon. Shannon spotted Nick and Andrew and knew she was screwed when the friends of her daughter saw her cheating on her husband with another woman. Shannon tells the boys that she won't say anything about them skipping school if they don't say anything about her cheating on her husband.

In "Requiem for a Wet Dream", Dina came to The Glaser House to visit Shannon and Jessi was more than happy to greet her, completely unaware of who she was. Nick and Andrew were very awkward around Jessi at school, trying to avoid mentioning Shannon's affair with Dina to her.

Dina is mentioned in "The Head Push", when Nick drunkenly confesses to Jessi that he and Andrew saw her mom kissing a woman in the city.

In "I Survived Jessi's Bat Mitzvah", Jessi puts two and two together at her own bat mitzvah and realized that Dina was the woman Shannon was having an affair with. Jessi develops a hatred for Dina and has a personal talk with Shannon about her and asks how her affair will affect the family. Greg overhears this and learns that Shannon "doesn't know" she's in love with him anymore.

In "Am I Normal?", Shannon is still dating Dina, much to the displeasure of Greg and Jessi.

In "What Is It About Boobs?", Dina shows up completely naked at the Korean Spa and exposes her perfect body, pissing off Jessi, Connie, and Missy, who just danced and sang in a musical number about body positivity. Later in the same episode, Jessi notices that Shannon is changing her wardrobe and the way she wears her hair because Dina tells her that she doesn't like her appearance.

In "Steve the Virgin", Jessi took note of how Greg was depressed over getting dumped by Shannon and told him that he shouldn't be missing Shannon because of how horrible a woman she was, cheating on him with Dina.

In "My Furry Valentine", Jessi comes around to Shannon dating Dina, after hearing their extremely loud sex in the next room over.

In "Girls Are Angry Too", Shannon tells Jessi that she's not allowed to go to school dressed like a slut but Jessi argues that she's doing this to stage a protest. Dina sides with Jessi and helps her win the argument.

In "How To Have An Orgasm", after shamelessly destroying her marriage/family, Dina dumps Shannon and leaves her crying. Jessi tries to get Shannon to get over her and realize how Dina was a bad person but it takes Shannon a while to overcome it.

In "Nick Starr", in the year 2052, Future Jessi blows up Future Dina's car and kills her. However, this was all just a dream that Nick had.

Episode Appearances[]
