Big Mouth Wiki

Delilah (a.k.a. "Cheese Baby") is the daughter of Caitlin Grafton and Greg Glaser and younger half-sister of Jessi Glaser. She is made entirely out of cheese in Jessi's imagination, but in real life, she's a regular human being. She first appeared via Jessi's imagination sequence as a cheese baby in "Thanksgiving" and was born in "The Parents Aren't Alright."


In "Thanksgiving", Greg and Caitlin announced that she was pregnant with Greg's baby, who they were gonna call their little "Cheese Baby" and Jessi was quickly disturbed by this news. She went to her room to cry and gripe because she wasn't prepared to deal with a baby sibling, what with her family life already being chaotic enough as it is and her hopes for her family getting back together were crushed.

She later had a horrifying nightmare scenario go on in her head, where Greg came in with their Cheese Baby, who was a monstrous baby made out of cheese, who crawled around the room, screeching like a demonic monstrosity and biting the balloons on top of their floating house from Up, and making it fall down to the ground. To lose some dead weight, Greg had to throw Jessi out of the house to her death, signifying how Cheese Baby would eliminate her from the family entirely.

In "I Fucking Hate You", Jessi thought of all the people who hated her and Tito the Anxiety Mosquito helped her to think of all of her enemies by morphing into them. One of these enemies was Cheese Baby.

In "A Very Big Mouth Christmas", Jessi was still very unhappy about being forced to celebrate Christmas, Caitlin moving in and the imminent arrival of the Cheese Baby. Connie told Jessi the story of The Nativity Scene, with characters of Big Mouth playing the roles of biblical figures. The role of Jesus Christ was played by Cheese Baby and he was referred to as "Baby Cheesus". The Virgin Mary, (played by Jessi Glaser), was not happy about this and did not want a cheese baby. However, Baby Cheesus used his magical powers to turn water into wine, which goes great with cheese and Mary started to really like Cheesus and accept him into her life. This helped Jessi to accept her unborn half-sibling into her life as well. That Christmas, she saw a present Caitlin left for her under the tree and it was a shirt that said "#1 Big Sister" and a matching baby onesie that said "#1 Little Sister" for Jessi and the upcoming baby to wear when she was born. Jessi was touched by this gift and was becoming excited by the idea of having a little sister, who she could also call "Cheese Baby".

In "Vagina Shame", Caitlin learns that she has CPD and she needs to have a C-Section as her pelvis is too small for natural birth. She was greatly upset as she was planning on having a natural birth with no painkillers. Later, she went to the bathroom where Jessi was in the bathtub, trying to scrub her vagina. Realizing she has a yeast infection, she gave her some cream to help with the itching. Thankful, Jessi was able to help her accept this by admitting she herself was a C-Section baby. With this, Caitlin was able to calm down.

In "Asexual Healing", Jessi learns about how Hormone Monsters raise their babies as gender neutral then letting them choose their own gender identity. Jessi is sold into the idea and tries to convince Greg and Caitlin, who were painting Jessi and the baby's room pink and buying all girly clothes and toys, to raise the baby as gender neutral since she feels they are trying to force the female gender into the baby but the adults refuse and Caitlin runs off in tears. Later, Jessi apologizes and accepts that her father and Caitlin want to refer to the baby as a girl but she will call the baby They/Them. Caitlin agrees and instead she and Greg agree to paint the kids' bedroom yellow instead of pink.

In "The Parents Aren't Alright", she was finally born and named Delilah. Jessi kept having delusions that Delilah was telepathically taunting her, saying that their father doesn't love her anymore. At night, Jessi is kept awake by Delilah's crying and yells at her father and Caitlin that Delilah is a "rotten baby", making Caitlin cry and Greg to send Jessi to her room, were she tearfully believes that her father doesn't love her nearly as much as he loves Delilah.

In "Fucked Up Friday", Delilah and Jessi swap bodies after Jessi wishes that Greg loved her as much as he loved Delilah. In Delilah's body, Jessi feels embarrassed, then happy with the attention she gets. Eventually, things go sour when Jessi has gas and is unable to tell anybody. She starts demanding for her old life back, as being a baby was too difficult for her. This ultimately ends up with Jessi understanding that being a baby is not as easy as it seems and, once she is back into her own body, helps out Greg and Caitlin by burping Delilah. Caitlin then states that Delilah is very lucky to have Jessi as a big sister.


Delilah is a newborn infant girl nearly identical to her mother with very short sandy blonde hair, green eyes and fair skin. She is usually seen wearing a peach colored onesie with short sleeves and no legs. She is often seen wrapped in a yellow blanket.


Like all babies, Delilah proves to be a handful to her family, often crying a lot and keeping her family awake at night.

Episode Appearances[]


  • Delilah is the second character to be born in the series after Montel.
  • She will most likely be raised in both Christian and Jewish faiths since neither of her parents converted, thus making her the second Interfaith child after Missy Foreman-Greenwald but unlike Missy, Delilah would need to convert to be recognized within the Jewish faith.
  • In every portrayal of Cheese Baby, Delilah has blue eyes yet she was born with green eyes.
  • It is unknown if she has her mother's last name, "Grafton" or her father's last name, "Glaser" or if she has both their last names.
  • In "Vagina Shame" it is revealed that Caitlin wanted a natural birth with no painkillers while Greg took his shirt off and played the harmonica right on Delilah's face but due to Caitlin's CPD and Greg fainting during the birth that didn't happen.
  • Despite Greg's claims that he was going to be a good parent for Delilah he has stated that either he, Caitlin or both have yelled at Delilah to shut up when she was crying at night.

