Big Mouth Wiki

Cotton Candy Brandy is an alcoholic beverage for kids. It first appeared in "The Head Push".



Cotton Candy Brandy was created in a juvenile detention facility. Guy Bilzerian defended the brandy in court (which was taken to court for obvious reasons), but lost, due to him calling the judge a fat bitch. The detention facility later burned down, discontinuing the product. However, there's still plenty of leftover cotton candy brandy bottles and packages that can be found all throughout the black markets and even some regular markets of Westchester.

Present Day[]

In "The Head Push", Jay brought some cotton candy brandy to Leah's party at The Birch House. He, Nick, and Jessi got drunk on it at the party. Drunk with too much cotton candy brandy, Nick vomitted into Daniel's beanie cap and Leah put it back on his head. Later, it was announced that Daniel was killed due to the toxicity of the cotton candy brandy seeping through his skull and into his brain and formed a cancerous tumor, which killed him very quickly.

In "Steve the Virgin", Jenna served Cotton Candy Brandy to Jay for dinner and didn't even mind that he was only 13.

In "I Survived Jessi's Bat Mitzvah", cotton candy brandy was being served at the party.

In "Super Mouth", Val and Kurt used radioactive cotton candy brandy bombs to blow up Golf Lundgren.

In "The Hugest Period Ever", cotton candy brandy was being served on the airplane.


Cotton Candy brandy is a bright pink, bear shaped bottle. The bear has a tie with a darker pink color, blushing where the cheeks would be, black eyes, ears which are part of the container. It has arms, legs and a dark pink snout. On the front of the Cotton Candy brandy is a sticker that has the words "COTTON CANDY BRANDY" written in bubble letter and pink and white letters (Pink, white, pink, are the respective colors). Under a pink rimmed white circle is a sentence saying "The first booze by kids for kids".


  • Stomach Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Blindness
  • Fatigue
  • Baldness
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Loss of Memory
  • Loss of Clothing/Purse/Keys
  • Antisocial Behavior
  • Extreme Changes in Mood
  • Bright Pink Stains on Furniture/Clothing/Skin
  • Death

Episode Appearances[]


  • Their motto is "Made for kids, by kids. Please help."
    • This is the inverse of the Kidz Bop motto, "Made by kids, for kids." and also suggests that cotton candy brandy is made by child slaves in a sweatshop.
  • Cotton Candy Brandy may be carcinogenic because the cause of Daniel death was the Cotton Candy Brandy seeping into his brain, forming a cancerous tumor.
  • In "Super Mouth", the company that made Cotton Candy Brandy also made radioactive bombs.
    • This possibly explains why Cotton Candy Brandy causes cancerous brain tumors.

