“ | Okay dude... | ” |
—Charles Lu in Best Friends Make The Best Lovers
Charles Lu is a student who attends Bridgeton Middle School. He is usually very quiet. He was a voiceless, nameless background character until he first spoke in "Rankings".
Charles Lu attended DeVon's bachelor party in "Rankings", where he had his first line of dialogue; "Dude". He later showed up in the locker room, getting asked out by Jay, only to turn him down because he was straight and only into girls. At DeVon and Devin's wedding, Charles Lu was seen dancing with Gina Alvarez, officially making them a couple.
Charles Lu is a 13-year-old ethnic Han male with peach skin, slicked-up raven hair, and brown eyes. He wears a cerulean shirt with a white collar and white sleeve trims, tawny pants, and black shoes. He is also a very athletic kid to the point of having abdominal muscles (which is not at all uncommon for most middle-school boys), as revealed in "Rankings".
Charles Lu is a very athletic and quiet kid, who does not talk unless he finds it necessary. Whenever he does, it's always something short and to the point. He is later revealed to be queer (it is implied that he is homosexual), but is too afraid to come out. In front of everybody, he is a good boyfriend to Gina but has no qualms on having an affair with Jay and doesn't care that he made Jay upset over the fact that Charles used him.
Episode Appearances[]
- Rankings
- Lovebugs
- The Green-Eyed Monster
- Best Friends Make the Best Lovers
- I Fucking Hate You
- Re-New Year's Eve
- Graduation
- Charles Lu is a member of the Bridgeton Middle School basketball team.