“ | I'm too young to be a stepmom! | ” |
—Caitlin Grafton in Asexual Healing
Caitlin Grafton is a recurring character in Big Mouth. She is Greg's girlfriend and a cheese sample girl at Trader Joe's. She first appeared in ''The Funeral''. She is voiced by Jenny Slate.
Shortly after Greg and Shannon separated, Caitlin started dating Greg. In ''Super Mouth'', when Jessi used her superpowers on Greg, he reveals he has a new girlfriend. At the beginning of ''The Funeral'' Shannon asks Jessi to get some details about that ''cheese girl''. Later that episode Caitlin appeared and told Jessi that she have heard a lot of stuff about her and that she is really funny. She gives her a Humboldt Fog cheese as a gift.
In "Thanksgiving," it's revealed that Caitlin is pregnant with Greg's baby, who would be Jessi's half-sibling.
In "A Very Big Mouth Christmas", Jessi was still very unhappy about being forced to celebrate Christmas, Caitlin moving in and the imminent arrival of the Cheese Baby so Caitlin gave Jessi (and the baby) a T-shirt and a onesie that said “#1 Big Sister” and “#2 Little Sister”, which makes Jessi warm up to the idea of having a sibling.
In "Vagina Shame", Caitlin learns that she has CPD and she needs to have a C-Section as her pelvis is too small for natural birth. She was greatly upset as she was planning on having a natural birth with no epidural. Later, she went to the bathroom where Jessi was in the bathtub, trying to scrub her vagina. Realizing she has a yeast infection, Caitlin gave her some cream to help with the itching. Caitlin was able to help her accept the idea of C-section when Jessi admits she herself was a C-Section baby.
In "Asexual Healing", Jessi learns about how Hormone Monsters raise their babies as gender neutral then letting them choose their own gender identity. Jessi is sold into the idea and tries to convince Greg and Caitlin, who were painting Jessi and the baby's room pink and buying all girly clothes and toys, to raise the baby as gender neutral since she feels they are trying to force the female gender into the baby but the adults refuse and Caitlin runs off in tears. Later, Jessi apologizes and accepts that her father and Caitlin want to refer to the baby as a girl but she will call the baby They/Them. Caitlin agrees and instead she and Greg agree to paint the kids' bedroom yellow instead of pink.
In "The Parents Aren't Alright", Caitlin’s daughter, Delilah, is born. Jessi kept having delusions that Delilah was telepathically taunting her, saying that their father doesn't love her anymore. At night, Jessi is kept awake by Delilah's crying and yells at her father and Caitlin that Delilah is a "rotten baby", making Caitlin cry and Greg to send Jessi to her room, were she tearfully believes that her father doesn't love her nearly as much as he loves Delilah.
In "Fucked Up Friday", Delilah and Jessi swap bodies after Jessi wishes that Greg loved her as much as he loved Delilah. In Delilah's body, Jessi enjoys the attention her father gives her until things go sour when Jessi has gas and is unable to tell anybody. Caitlin, not knowing what to do with “Delilah” and under Greg’s isistence, attemptd to breastfeed “Delilah”, much to Jessi's disgust. This ultimately ends up with Jessi understanding that being a baby is not as easy as it seems and, once she is back into her own body, helps out Greg and Caitlin by burping Delilah. A relieved Caitlin then states that Delilah is very lucky to have Jessi as a big sister.
In “Epididymitis”, Caitlin is breastfeeding Delilah when Jessi arrives home from school. At first Jessi offers to leave the room but Caitlin invites her to sit next to her and as Caitlin talks Jessi can't help but be fascinated with Caitlin's bare breasts until Cailtin eventually figures that out when she catches Jessi staring and sitting too close to her chest so an embarrassed Caitlin covers herself and leaves to put Delilah down for a nap. Caitlin tells Greg about the incident and leaves the apartment so that Greg can speak to Jessi in private. Jessi realizes her mistake and when she once again walks in on Caitlin breastfeeding the latter covers herself up and says sorry, presumably for telling her father, but Jessi apologizes and reassures her that she won't go near Caitlin when she feeds Delilah until the baby grows up.
Caitlin has a strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears a red crop top, a long green-orange skirt and yellow and purple necklaces. She also wears colorful braces that Greg likes very much as he said in ''Super Mouth''.
Caitlin is a rather shy, awkward, quiet, and occasionally nervous woman, who kind of stutters and drifts off when she talks. She doesn't understand much about what's going on in the world.
- Jessi Glaser -
- Greg Glaser -
- Shannon Glaser -
- Delilah -
Episode Appearances[]
- Super Mouth (Mentioned)
- The Funeral
- Thanksgiving
- A Very Big Mouth Christmas
- The Hookup House (Non-Speaking Cameo)
- Vagina Shame
- The Apple Brooch
- Asexual Healing
- The Parents Aren't Alright
- Fucked Up Friday
- Epididymitis
- Caitlin has CPD (Cephalo-Pelvic Disproportion), making her pelvis too small to deliver a baby. This meant that Delilah had to be born via C-section.
- She chose the color pink "Bubblegum Nostalgia" for Jessi and Delilah's shared room and then the color "Lemon Drop Daydream" when Jessi was upset about gender stereotypes regarding color.
- https://anime-musicaluniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Cartoon_Characters:_Big_Mouth