Big Mouth Wiki
Big Mouth Wiki

Brittany MacDell is the 7-year-old daughter of Edward and Kimberly MacDell and the little sister of Matthew. Maury has a strong and burning hatred for her. She first appeared in "Cellsea" but did not have her first speaking role until "The Funeral". She is voiced by Julie White.


In "Cellsea", Brittany was seen reading a book at the kitchen table with Kimberly and her siblings.

In "The Funeral", Kimberly had Brittany replace Matthew as her partner for the bake sale, being ashamed of her son's homosexuality. Kimberly let Brittany lick the spoon, which Maury was very upset with. Maury immediately started hating Brittany with a burning passion and brutally insulting her for being so ugly and not having all her teeth. Brittany went with her mom to the church for the bake off and when Matthew showed up with Aiden, Kimberly left with Brittany. When Matthew went out to talk to Kimberly in the parking lot, Kimberly put Brittany in her booster seat and closed the door so that she wouldn't have to hear them talk about Matthew's "disgusting and sinful" sexuality. After the bake off, Edward suggested that next year, Kimberly and Matthew should work together again, intending no offense toward Brittany. Maury insulted Brittany for holding her glass of water with two hands instead of the traditional one.

Episode Appearances[]


  • Brittany must have a sweet tooth, as seen by how she usually eats candy whenever she's on screen.
    • This may be the reason why she's missing some teeth.
  • Despite debuting in Season 3, Her name was not revealed until the Season 4 episode, "The Funeral".

