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Birth is the first episode of Human Resources.


When Sonya gets fired, an amateur Lovebug named Emmy tries to take over her client, a stressed-out pregnant lady named Becca. It's Maury's birthday, but he does not feel like celebrating. Joe and Gil get stuck on the elevator and soon end up in a division floor full of monsters of enlightenment.


The episode starts by introducing us immediately to this new world of monsters, creatures and all the other beings that make humans act the way they do. The team members consist of hormone monsters, Shame Wizards, Lovebugs, and lots more.

To ease us into the inner workings of Human Resources, the overall office space where these characters do the bulk of their work, we catch up with Maury during an awkward elevator ride with some of his fellow Hormone Monsters. Gil and Joe are two average employees who complain about their wives and believe humans will eventually stop having sex because of the evolution of VR while Gavin is a high-flying monster who gives Maury grief about his continued work with kids going through puberty.

Gavin, on the other hand, just accepted a huge gig as the head of testosterone at the NFL. For a Hormone Monster, it doesn’t get much better than that. It also happens to be Maury’s 40 millionth birthday and Gavin’s comments cause him to spin out into an existential crisis. He asks himself things like "Who is he, really?" and "What does he have to offer after all this time existing?"

Maury’s co-workers try to throw him a surprise birthday party complete with a cookie cake but it just pisses him off. Even Connie can’t get him out of his funk. It’s only when Maury gets home and sees his dicks that he starts to feel better.

They’re sort of like having children, right? Spending time with them while reminiscing together over a slideshow and a group masturbation session is exactly what Maury needs to celebrate his birthday in style.

Meanwhile at the hospital, we meet Becca Lee, a pregnant litigator on the cusp of giving birth to her first child with her husband Barry. Becca’s team is completely stressed out by the preparation. She has no choice but to do her final month of bedrest, much to her creatures' stress.

Becca’s Hormone Mistress is Connie, who is worried that Becca and Barry won’t have sex again after Becca gives birth, Tito the Anxiety Mosquito worries the baby will come out wrong, Petra the Ambition Gremlin doesn’t want Becca to risk losing a promotion at work because of maternity leave. Then there’s Pete Doheny, the resident Logic Rock trying to keep everyone in line.

At the head of the table is Sonya the Lovebug who demands everyone get their sh*t together, more or less. After the meeting, Sonya gives her assistant Emmy a stern talking to because she doesn’t put any work in at her job. Her notes are terrible and she spends all her time doing imitations and making would you rather question boards. She’s also totally distracted by her fling with the sexy Addiction Angel, Dante.

Luckily, Emmy's Lovebug pals Walter and Rochelle started a conservation about Emmy's date with Dante. However, Sonya was dragged out of her office by two security guards, because she's fired. Walter defended his friend by saying, "You bastards! You fired her, you fired all of us!" Maury, Gil and Joe had a conversation with Todd the zombie handyman after the elevator broke. Gavin later said he's going to Las Vegas to see some ass whipping, and wished Maury a happy birthday.

With Sonya fired, Emmy is reassigned to Becca (until a replacement is found), a change that neither is happy with moving forward.

While getting drunk at The Mistake Factory bar with Dante that night, Emmy runs into Sonya who is horrified that Becca has been left in her assistant’s care. Sonya demands Emmy stop messing around and go do her job, especially since Becca is on the verge of giving birth and the doctor is concerned she will go into early labor.

Drunk as a skunk and missing a shoe, Emmy does make it to Becca’s and she makes everything worse in combination with Becca’s pesky Anxiety Mosquitoes. It’s no surprise all the stress causes Becca’s water to break, so that means she has to go into labor! All of her monsters have to drop what they’re doing to rush to the delivery room. Every creature is doing their job except Emmy, who would rather hide in the corner than spread the love and threw up on the floor. Meanwhile, Gil and Joe are in the Department of Magical Thinking, and Maury's dicks threw him a birthday party.

Becca panicked and said she couldn’t give birth anymore. Fortunately, Pete persuaded Emmy to give Becca a pep talk and spreading the love like she’s supposed to.

Emmy eventually gives Becca a motivational speech that is more or less effective even if it isn’t the nicest to help her through labor and she gives birth to her healthy baby, albeit it’s ugly. In Emmy’s own words, “Call that thing cute, you’re a liar.”


Major Roles[]

Minor Roles[]


  • Emmy is assigned to work with her first client, Becca Lee, following the termination of the latter's former lovebug, Sonya Poinsetta.
  • Emmy does impressions of Barry, which some consider anti-semetic.
  • Maury turns exactly 40,000,000 (forty million) years old in this episode.
    • Jake is also born in the same day, giving him and Maury the same birthday.
  • Tito has a fixation on Santa Claus hats for some reason.
  • Emmy gave everybody in the office a "Would You Rather?" to choose between "Pooping Out of Your Eyes" and "Seeing Out of Your Butthole".
  • Emmy usually eats pizza burritos.
  • Sonya had sex with The Grinch.
  • Sonya got Barack and Michelle Obama together.
  • Gavin got promoted to the head of testosterone for the NFL.
  • Human Resources gives all of its employees the same dental insurance.
  • Emmy lied on her resume about her military service.
  • Connie breaks the fourth wall to tell Maury that he has two shows on Netflix.
  • Joe was told that he would die on July 9th.
  • Becca Lee works as a litigator.


Cultural References[]

  • Connie is assigned to work for New York mayor, Michael Bloomberg.
  • Kitty Bouchet mentions famous actor, Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • Emmy's desktop background is Bliss.
  • Pete has a picture of Dwayne Johnson on his wall, which is a joke on how he's a rock.
  • Sonya had sex with The Grinch.
  • Sonya got Barack Obama and Michelle Obama together.
  • Joe says "That's what she said.", quoting Michael Scott from The Office.
  • Gil claims that the Chakra girl ripped him off and calls it a "Chakra Con", which is a pun on the musical artist, Chaka Khan.