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Big Mouth's Going to High School (But Not For Nine More Episodes) is the first episode of Season 7 of Big Mouth and the 62nd episode, overall.


With only two months left of 8th grade, the students of Bridgeton Middle School take a tour of Bridgeton High School to see what's in store for them next schoolyear.


The episode begins has a framing device of Lola breaking into Shannon's condo room at 3:06AM and giving the audience a recap of the last season, much to Shannon's annoyance.

The true meat and potatoes of episode begins with the 8th grade students of Bridgeton Middle School getting on the bus to tour Bridgeton High School. Coach Steve tells everybody the bad things that Miss Benitez was secretly saying about the kids. Jessi is completely apathetic about going to high school, believing that she'll hate it as much as she hates middle school. Nick, on the other hand, is very excited about going to high school, assuming he's gunna be super popular there, simply because he'll carry on the legacy that his older sister, Leah has made for herself there. Andrew is trying out a new style, wearing a black hat and calling himself "Drew" as he thinks this will make him less creepy. Matthew also hopes to get a fresh new start in high school and meet other gay people there. Jay doesn't worry about high school at all, being 50% sure he's not even going to graduate. Lola thinks high school is going to be like a reality show that she's going to win. Missy and Elijah stick together, being prepared to be a high school couple, together.

When they finally get to the high school, everyone is in awe at just how colossal the building is. Miss Benitez has all of the middle schoolers choose partners and then get assigned a junior host to give them a personal tour of the high school. Jessi and Lola are assigned Lulu Barfightkowitz, a rebellious burnout badass who hates having to give the kids a tour and is only doing so as punishment for selling people Tylenol, which she falsely marketed as Molly. Nick and Andrew are assigned Leah, who is very disgusted by Andrew and his perverted bullshit. Matthew and Caleb are assigned extremely flamboyant homosexual, Ocean, who ends up being so much cooler than Matthew, making him nervous. To make matters worse, Caleb embarrasses him by babbling about fire exits. Missy and Elijah are assigned another high school couple, with the nicknames "Timon" and "Pumbaa", who are so much more sexually progressive than Missy and Elijah. Jay never got a partner and ended up getting assigned his older brothers, Val and Kurt, who chase him around the school to "tushy-foot" him.

Lulu takes Jessi and Lola into the girls bathroom, where she bullies a bunch of other girls out of the bathroom so that she can vape. Jessi makes a funny joke at Lulu's expense, which gets the other girls to laugh at her and this immediately pisses Lulu off. Lulu is so mad at Jessi, that she threatens to beat the shit out of her later. Connie is scared by this and flushes herself down the toilet.

Leah introduces Nick to her friends, Jourdan, Gabrielle, and Maya, who he already knows. Nick acts all cool in front of them and they all seem very charmed and amused by his presence. Andrew tries to act cool in front of the girls too but ends up acting like a complete creep by pointing out a freckle on Gabrielle's boob, completely inependent of Maury's meddling, mind you. Andrew gets the idea to take his glasses off so that he won't keep perving out over people's genitals and his blindness causes him to trip and fall into a trashcan.

Ocean shows Matthew and Caleb through the halls. Matthew and Ocean start to hit it off but Caleb ruins the vibe by continuing to yak about fire exits. Matthew gets rid of him by sending him into a fire exit so that he can ditch him later. Ocean tells Matthew about an LGBT glee club called the Quee-Choi and they go into the auditorium to check it out. When Caleb comes back out, he realizes he's been abandoned. Just then, Val and Kurt run by, chasing Jay. Val and Kurt and snatch up Caleb's map and throw it down. Jay escaped to the basement, where he ends up in shop class.

Timon and Pumbaa take Missy and Elijah to the library, where everybody is making out, as is a big part of high school. Mona tells Missy that if she's serious about being in a real high school relationship, she's gunna have to stop dating such a prudent guy like Elijah and for once, Missy finds herself agreeing with her and fears that her relationship with Elijah won't be working out.

Ocean takes Matthew to the B-High Quee-Choi, where, although being nervous at first, finds himself fitting right in with the big kids, when he joins in with them on their song, "Big Mouth's Going to High School (But Not For Nine More Episodes)".

Caleb is still lost in the hallway without his map and he starts to get very, very worried.

During lunch, Andrew, now blinded without his glasses, looks through the cafeteria for a place to sit but he can't see shit. Maury tries to get Andrew to put his glasses back on to make things simpler but Andrew still refuses as this is the only way to keep himself from perving out.

Jessi still worries about Lulu and voices her concerns about her to Lola. Lola hears Jessi loud and clear and tells her that she has every right to be afraid because Lulu is most definitely gunna pull a prank on her to get revenge. This only fills Jessi with more dread and fear.

Nick sits with Leah's friends and brags about how woke and pro-feminist he is. He eventually finds out that these girls don't like him because they find him charming. They like him because they think he's cute on account of being so short and little and that all of their compliments on his character are done out of condescension.

Timon and Pumbaa make out at the table and Elijah looks at them in complete bewilderment, calling them "cuckoo bananas". Missy tells Elijah off, saying that some people have sexual appetites, just barely hiding how she has the same feelings. She doesn't really know how to tell him that she wants something that he can't provide for her.

Just then, Lulu comes in to get her revenge on Jessi by squirting a bunch of chocolate syrup on her head in front of the entire lunchroom, making everyone laugh at her. Lola does not let this slide and she gets revenge on Lulu for Jessi. She starts by punching her in the stomach, making her vomit all over the table. She then flings Lulu's body back across the floor, making her fall and land on a guy's plate, flipping it through the air and splattering food all over Pumbaa's face. It's at this point, Timon calls out "Classic Food Fight!" and before long, the entire lunchroom turns into an absolute madhouse, just as Caleb finally find the cafeteria and sees the absolute clusterfuck of a food fight going on.

During the food fight, Andrew's glasses get knocked onto the floor and broken. When Andrew puts them back on, he gets bodyslammed by a random person, sending his hands flying straight into Timon's tits, making her feels very embarrassed and violated. Pumbaa gets pissed off at Andrew for this and prepares to beat him black and blue, only to get blinded by a beam of light, reflecting off of a sword made by Jay in metal shop. The mere presence of Jay's sword sends all the high school students screaming and running away in terror, except for Val and Kurt, who are used to Jay's bullshit and don't fear him whatsoever. They try to go up to him to give him a "tushy-foot", only for Caleb to jump up on Val and beat the shit out of him for stealing his map. Ocean teases Caleb for his autistic meltdown and Matthew comes to his defense, calling Ocean out on their rudeness and ableism. Matthew gets Caleb to stop beating on Val, by comforting him and also apologizes for ditching him earlier.

During the chaos of the food fight, Elijah saves Missy by taking her someplace safe and Missy remembers why she loves Elijah so much, realizing that even though he doesn't reciprocate her sexual desires, he's still a very charming and heroic boyfriend, who she's so glad to have in her life.

Lola stands high and mighty atop a cafeteria table and gets rousing applause and worship from the high schoolers, just like in her fantasy. Kurt comes up to her and remembers how she smacked him in the dick with a shovel, which he found very attractive. Lola looks at him kinda sexily too, suggesting that these two just might hook up later on down the road.

When high school finally ends, everybody sits around in the schoolyard, feeling their various feelings about the bullshit that just transpired. Jessi, now drenched in chocolate syrup, believes that high school is gunna suck even harder than middle school. Leah comes up with a sweater to help clean her up, which she thanks her for. Jessi also starts to fall just a little bit in love with Leah.

Pumbaa gets suspended and on his way out of the school, he threatens to beat Andrew fucking shitless on the first day of high school next year. The teacher who kicked Pumbaa out laughs at Andrew's misfortune, letting the kids know that he's fucked next year. Andrew is, of course, in a state of complete and utter panic and can't even take pride in the fact that he finally touched boobs.

Missy sees just how bad everyone is feeling notes that the only way people are gunna be getting through high school is if they all stick together and function as a singular unit. Jay thinks this is a good idea and vows to protect people with his sword, which he has now dubbed "Skinripper". Lola comes biking by with her new boyfriend, Kurt and tells Jay that now that she's dating his older brother, she has become his older sister.

After this, Lola's little story ends and Shannon is clearly very, very annoyed with the shit. It is now 3:40AM, which means this bullshit has been going on for 34 minutes. Shannon finally tells Lola to get out of her house but Lola corrects her, saying that it's a condo, not a house. This cues the Quee-Choi to randomly appear in the condo, themselves and sing a rousing musical number, "It's a Condo Not a House" to end off the show, which makes Shannon feel very insulted.


Major Roles[]

Minor Roles[]



  • This episode has the longest title of any other episode in the series.
  • As of this episode, there are only 2 months left of Bridgeton Middle School.
  • Miss Benitez secretly hates the students, claiming in confidence that she can't wait to see them go.
  • Andrew tries to take on a new identity for high school, going by the name "Drew" and planning to ditch the whole pervert act.
  • Jay considers himself to be "half-gay", when he really means "bisexual".
  • Ocean uses they/them pronouns.
  • Jay mistakes Judd for Nick's uncle.
  • Interestingly, Pumbaa wears a condom while dry-humping.
  • New nicknames that Jessi got for getting covered in chocolate syrup;
    • Hershey Squirter
    • Super Dookie
    • Shit Tits
  • According to some banners on the walls, Bridgeton High School has been around since at least 1999.
  • Andrew finally touches boob for the first time, albeit on accident, when he gets knocked over and lands hands-first on Timon's tits.
  • Lola starts dating Kurt and believes that this makes Jay her little brother.

Cultural References[]

  • Maury jokes that Al Pachino no longer acts and is just some asshole in a long scarf.
  • Matthew addresses Jessi as "Daria", in reference to the to the character, Daria Morgendorffer from the eponymous series.
  • Matthew says "A Whole New World", which is a reference to the Disney movie, Aladdin.
  • Missy exclaims "Zendaya" as an interjection.
  • Mona's "The More You Blow" segment is a parody on the "The More You Know" segments from NBC.
  • Coach Steve refers to the high school juniors as "Whopper Juniors", a famous menu item at Burger King.
  • Timon and Pumbaa are named after the warthog and prairie dog from The Lion King.
  • Ocean addresses Caleb as "Paw Patrol".

