Asexual Healing is the eighth episode of Season 6 of Big Mouth. It is the fifty-ninth episode, overall.
Andrew is scared and jealous that Bernie is being wooed by her hot male friend Allison, and egged on by Maury and Flanny, he takes off on a train to Vermont to surprise her. Various mishaps ensue: the train is derailed, the bus he is on is stopped when the toilet he uses overflows, and his hitchhiking results in being picked up by a creepy passenger from the train who is an escaped mental patient. Andrew eventually arrives at Bernie's house, where Allison also is, who reveals that he truly likes Bernie but didn't know how to say it. She chooses Allison over Andrew, who waits to be picked up and taken home by his mother. Missy meets Elijah's family at a cookout, where Elijah see his own Hormone Monsters (Joe and Gil from Human Resources). He admits he does not feel horny at all, and he goes to Jay for advice, who suggests kissing Missy without thinking about it. The two kiss at Missy's house, but Elijah still feels nothing. He talks to his aunt Amber, who reveals that she is asexual. Elijah thinks that he may also be asexual, but feels comforted that he can still love Missy. Shannon and Jessi are insulted by a sexist plumber, and Connie and Montel tell Jessi how they view humans as silly for their take on gender roles, and that Hormone Monsters are raised gender-neutral until they're old enough to decide. At her dad's apartment, she finds Greg and Caitlin painting her old room, now the baby's room, pink with traditional girl accessories. Her complaints about gender roles eventually cause Caitlin to run off crying. Jessi apologizes and they compromise that Jessi can call the baby "they" while Caitlin will call it "her."
Major Roles[]
- Elijah
- Missy Foreman-Greenwald
- Gil
- Joe
- Mona
- Andrew Glouberman
- Nick Birch
- Jessi Glaser
- Maury Beverly
- Connie LaCienega
- Montel
- Jay Bilzerian
- Flanny O'Lympic
Minor Roles[]
- Auntie Amber
- Shannon Glaser
- Mario
- Bernie Sanders
- Greg Glaser
- Caitlyn Grafton
- Allison
- Barbara Glouberman
- The You That’s in Your Heart