Jessi Glaser[]
When Ali first arrived to Bridgeton Middle School, Ali and Jessi did not have much interaction but they got along well. Almost halfway through eight grade, Ali and Jessi bonded after they vandalized a statue of the offensive school mascot in "Lovebugs". After they were arrested, grounded and taken home Ali sneaked out and went to Jessi's place to tell her how great she is, making Jessi realize that she wanted to be Ali's best friend, to be her "number one", buy "cheap matching necklaces" with her, do "stupid dances" together in a shared TikTok account, and for the two to have their own secret lenguage. Jessi's determination to be Ali's best friend caused trouble for Ali's relationship with Samira, who quickly felt threatened by Jessi due to them spending time together and making inside jokes with each other and they started to compete for Ali's attention until it escalated into an argument and Ali had to separate them until Samira, who thought Ali was siding with Jessi and was also having trouble expressing her feelings, decided to break up with Ali. When a tearful Samira left, Ali chewed out Jessi for being mean to Samira and told her to leave as she too started crying.
The girls didn't speak until Thanksgiving Day were Jessi, who was hopeful that her parents could get back together, became depressed upon finding out that not only she was wrong but Greg's girlfriend was expecting his child as well. Desperate to talk to someone, Jessi ran off to Ali's house and apologized for everything, with Ali comforting her and accepting her apology, admitting that she did miss Jessi.
After that, Jessi started becoming confused about her feelings for Ali and was no longer sure if she wanted them to be best friends or if Jessi had an actual crush on her, even thinking about how they could be like as a couple but she ultimately decided to keep this to herself since she didn't want to ruin their friendship like it happened with her and Nick.
Love Interests[]
Samira (formerly)[]
During the summer, Ali got into a relationship with Samira and even engaged in lesbian sex at Samira's house. Not much is seen of their relationship but ever since she got together with Ali, Samira has shown to slowly come out of her shell and is slightly more talkative than before.
Unfortunately, Ali and Samira's relationship fell apart when Ali started hanging out with Jessi and both Samira and Jessi became jealous of each other as they both wanted to spend time with Ali so Samira set out to subtly make Jessi look bad and Jessi was somewhat mean to Samira until the latter decided to break up with Ali due to her believing Ali sided with Jessi during their fight and Samira did not like the way Ali behaved when Jessi was around, leaving Ali heartbroken.
The girls apparently interacted at least once after their breakup since Ali revealed to Jessi that Samira wasn't going to forgive her for the incident. When Ali started a fight with Missy, Samira simply stood among the crowd and watched Ali being beaten by Missy with a blank look on her face.
After Devin found out she was very low on the list of the hottest girls at school she grew jealous of Ali and during Devin's "wedding" she pulled Ali aside to accuse her of "ruining everything" since she was ranked first on most lists due to her pansexuality, her smooth skin, her glasses and the fact that she wasn't even in Ali's list and before Ali could explain Devin forcefully kissed her (out of insecurity), claiming that Ali was supposed to like it since she was pansexual, which Ali found to be a really panphobic act of objectification and called her a sociopath, when all she was trying to do was be nice. Despite this, Ali still stayed for the reception.
They also got into a fight when they graduated from seventh grade in "Super Big Mouth", with Ali apparently calling her "basic", which offended Devin.
Lump Humpman[]
At Devin and DeVon's pseudo-wedding, Lump flirted with her in an obscene way (possibly because he was dared to do so) and Ali's retort made him tear up.
Terry Lizer[]
Ali loathes the former teacher due to his mysogynistic and racist views so Ali and some of her classmates, who also hated the way he handled the play, managed to get him fired because of it.
Jay Bilzerian[]
Ali was the first one to honestly congratulate Jay for coming out as bisexual and told him that she too was shunned after coming out as pan and he was presumably the only one whom she revealed the real reason of why she switched schools. She assured him that he should be proud for coming out no matter what and invited him to dance with her, ignoring the boy's rude advances towards her.
Matthew MacDell[]
Ali seems to get along well with Matthew and considers him to be the hottest boy at school.
Mila and Lotte Jansen[]
Ali placed Mila in first place on her list since she liked Mila's new hairdo, which pleased her but annoyed Lotte.
Lola Skumpy[]
Ali finds Lola to be somewhat attractive and placed her on third place on her list and Lola was very flattered by this. Ali also gave Lola relationship advice during the time Lola dated Jay and taught Lola to also think about her own needs instead of catering to her partner's every whim as she usually does with both her love interests and classmates.
Nick Birch[]
When Ali first revealed that she was Pansexual, Nick found this quality of hers very attractive and placed her first on his list until he found out he was third place on Gina's list so he switched their places (Gina in first place and Ali second) to impress Gina but to no avail. In "I Fucking Hate You", Nick, who was bitter and hateful over being rejected by Jessi, stood among the crowd, watching as both Ali and Missy fought savagely in the school cafeteria and told Jessi to shut up when she begged her classmates for help to stop it.
Missy Foreman-Greenwald[]
Ali joined Missy's affinity group to protest the racist statue outside the school in "Lovebugs" but after Missy only managed to arrange a meeting to discuss the subject that could take place in six months, Ali and Jessi decided to take matters in their own hands and vandalized the statue, this resulted in them successfully getting the statue replaced yet Missy got mad at them both for "taking over her affinity group" and since both girls refused to apologize, Missy grew even angrier and slandered Ali and Jessi on the internet in "Best Friends Make the Best Lovers", spreading rumors about them hooking up in prison, as well as dunking Ali's favorite highlighter on a toilet at the boys' bathroom.
After Ali found out that Missy was responsible for the bullying she was facing due to the rumors Missy spread she became furious and physically assaulted her in "I Fucking Hate You" but unfortunately for Ali, Missy quickly got the upper hand since she knows capoeira and even broke Ali's permanent retainer but the teachers stopped them before things could escalate and both girls got suspended. When Missy decided that she didn't want to hate anymore she apologized to Ali for everything and they seem to have lowered the axe and are now on civil terms.